Wednesday, June 20, 2018


I call for DNA testing!

We lead with our heads and not our hearts. That is natural. The cry of "Mama," "Daddy" makes every mother and father among us want to run forward and pick that child up in our arms. But what if they are crying for the Mother or Father left far away back in Guatemala...Honduras. If we pick that child up and place him/her in the arms of someone trafficking the child who has played the part of a mother or father during a long journey, your heart might feel good for the moment... but your head might have saved the child.

Let's delineate the issues:

1.  600,000 to 800,000 women, children and men are bought and sold across international borders every year and exploited for forced labor or commercial sex (U.S. Government)

• Human trafficking has surpassed the illegal sale of arms
• Trafficking will surpass the illegal sale of drugs in the next few years
• Drugs are used once and they are gone. Victims of child trafficking can be used and abused over and over
• A $32 billion-a-year industry, human trafficking is on the rise and is in all 50 states (U.S. Government)
• 4.5 Million of trafficked persons are sexually exploited
• Up to 300,000 Americans under 18 are lured into the commercial sex trade every year
• From 14,500 - 17,500 of those victims are trafficked into the United States each year

They may be brought to the U.S. legally or smuggled in.

Internationally trafficked children, especially adolescents, may be lured overseas to the U.S. through the promise of work or school and the opportunity to send money back to their families.
Children are also vulnerable to kidnappers, pimps, and professional brokers.
Some children are sold to traffickers by their families, who may or may not have an understanding of what will happen to the child.

You are willing to turn a child over without a DNA test and determination of whether that child is truly who/what the adult claims? 

One mother used her own child to traffic heroin to support her own addiction. That child received help in one of those "detention" centers Never Trumpers call concentration camps. Before allowing the Never Trump Media to color your thinking, consider the consequences.

2 million children are subjected to prostitution in the global commercial sex trade (UNICEF)

2. How many unaccompanied minors are or have become MS13 members who rape and murder innocent Americans. Americans deserve protection as well. 

3. A nation without borders is no longer a nation. Children are taken from lawbreaking adults in America every day. Adults with children seek to enter our country over the border without seeking LEGAL entry means are breaking the law and using children to bypass legal processing. Just like an American breaking the law, those seeking illegal entry find themselves incarcerated. There are consequences to breaking the law as every American discovers when they break the law. 

The Flores decision ruled that children should be kept in a separate place in the "least restrictive" environment. That ruling actually protects children who have made a desperate journey and need special care. 

Would you put these children and our nation in danger just for the silly "RESIST" movement?  

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