Friday, August 26, 2022


 CREATE YOUR OWN POWERPOINT. I created this PowerPoint presentation thinking I might need it when presenting to a group at some time.  I want to share it so that the information can get further than my own computer. If you start a small group or have a large group with whom you can share this information, or simply want to study this on your own, you are welcome to use this information. This ideology is implanted in our teachers through the colleges of education and therefore into every accredited school and teacher. The NEA controls accreditation by placing its people in leadership positions. So do not think your school is safe. Be vigilant. This is probably a provocative Power Point and may take several meetings to discuss. EVERYONE SHOULD WATCH THE WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING. AND THEN SEE HOW HIS METHODS FOR REVOLUTIONARY ACTION HAVE TAKEN OVER OUR SCHOOLS.


"Never let a crisis go to waste."

"Change means movement. Movement means friction. Only in the frictionless vacuum of a nonexistent abstract world can movement or change occur without that abrasive friction of conflict."

"The establishment can accept being screwed, but not being laughed at."

"True revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism. They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within."

"Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins - or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom - Lucifer (to whom Alinsky dedicated Rules for Radicals)

"A Marxist begins with his prime truth that all evils are caused by the exploitation of the proletariat by the capitalists. From this he logically proceeds to the revolution to end capitalism, then into the third stage of reorganization into a new social order of the dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally the last stage -- the political paradise of communism."

"The first step in community organization is community disorganization. The disruption of the present organization is the first step toward community organization. Present arrangements must be disorganized if they are to be displace by new patterns.... All change means disorganization of the old and organization of the new."

"Curiosity and irreverence go together. Curiosity cannot exist without the other. Curiosity asks, "Is this true?" "Just because this has always been the way, is the best or right way of life, the best or right religion, political or economic value, morality?" To the questioner, nothing is sacred. He detests dogma, defies any finite definition of morality, rebels against any repression of a free, open search of ideas no matter where they may lead. He is challenging, insulting, agitating, discrediting. He stirs unrest."

"Let the liberal turn to the course of action, the course of all radicals, and the amused look vanishes from the face of society as it snarls, “That’s radical!” Society has good reason to fear the radical. Every shaking advance of mankind toward equality and justice has come from the radical. He hits, he hurts, he is dangerous. Conservative interests know that while liberals are most adept at breaking their own necks with their tongues, radicals are most adept at breaking the necks of conservatives."

"The organizers first job is to create the issues or problems, and organizations must be based on many issues. The organizer must first rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; fan the latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expression. He must search out controversy and issues, rather than avoid them, for unless there is controversy people are not concerned enough to act. . . . 

"Do one of three things. One, go and find a wailing wall and feel sorry for yourselves. Two, go psycho and start bombing -- but this will only swing people to the right. Three, learn a lesson. Go home, organize, build power and at the next convention, you be the delegates."

"In the beginning the organizer's first job is to create the issues or problems."

"It is a world not of angels but of angles, where men speak of moral principles but act on power principles; a world where we are always moral and our enemies always immoral;"

"The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away."

An organizer must stir up disatisfaction and discontent. Alinsky

The Frankfurt School's "critical theory" is based on criticizing everything about America. And so we have "Critical Race Theory," "Critical Gender Theory," "Critical Pedagogy,"... The critical methodology, then, is the central object of concern, and it is the tool by which Social Justice scholarship and activism proceed.

"As an organizer I start from where the world is, as it is, not as I would like it to be. That we accept the world as it is does not in any sense weaken our desire to change it into what we believe it should be - it is necessary to begin where the world is if we are going to change it to what we think it should be. Saul Alinsky

At the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, “the brainchild of Bill Ayers,” they (Obama and Bill Ayers, Weatherman, jailed domestic terrorist now with a PHD) funneled more that $100 million to radical groups which used the funds to promote radical education. This initiative was also promoted by Arne Duncan, Chicago Superintendent of Schools, who became US Secretary of Education. Also as board members of the Woods Fund, Ayers and Obama channeled money to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) and the Midwest Academy: Organizing for Social Change. Chicago, the Windy City, was also where Saul Alinsky established his first community organizing training school and where Cardinal Joseph Bernardin wound up. 
Only 26 percent of Chicago Public School 11th-graders can read and do math at grade level, according to the latest Illinois Report Card data, and yet last week the district proudly announced that 84 percent of students graduated from CPS in 2021 – a new record high. It is important to note that Chicago was the source of Outcome Based Education /Mastery Learning in the 1990s and that is just another name for Equity. Common Core came from Chicago with Obama and his friends. Ayers recommended his friends, Kevin Jennings and Gloria Ladson-Billings (CASEL board member Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotional Learning

For the methods courses, Bill Ayers’s To Teach: The Journey of a Teacher tops the bestseller list. Domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers continues his efforts to destroy America through his fifth column subversives. Our teachers. 

"Education is the motor-force of revolution." Bill Ayers

"I haven't been silent. I teach, I lecture at universities, I write, I'm not silent."

"I get up every morning and I'm going to end capitalism."

"The US is indeed a terrorist nation. ...It's also the greatest purveyor of violence on earth over the past half century, and the foremost threat to world peace today."

"Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon,"

"I'm not so much against the war as I am for a Vietnamese victory. I'm not so much for peace as for a U.S. defeat."

"The only path to the final defeat of imperialism and the building of socialism is revolutionary war."

"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at."

"I wish I knew as much about anything today as I knew about everything when I was twenty."

"I was a child of privilege and I woke up to a world on fire."

"I don't regret setting bombs."

"Guilty as hell. Free as a bird. America is a great country."

I was among the deluded. I voted for Obama twice. He seemed like such a good role model for the Black children I had taught. I wanted them to know that our great country WAS NOT DISCRIMINATORY toward good, capable men of any color.  God forgive me. 

Read and weep. Is it any wonder Alabama's children have such poor math and reading scores?


From Anyon's book, Barbara Cooper's "Bible" for education policy. (Pat Ellis' Review) 

Classrooms as Movement Building Spaces

In this section, Ms. Anton promotes strategies for teachers to engage their students in civic activism and provides examples from the Philadelphia School System.

(Page 12)

Mapping Community Assets

Mapping community assets is an activity to engage students in researching their neighborhoods for community resources that could be useful to make the neighborhood a better place to live and work. Included in the assets would be the “gifts, skills and capacities of the community’s residents”. 
Power Analysis

“A power analysis identifies a problem faced by students or other community residents and asks the following kinds of questions:

1. Who is impacted by the problem?
2. Who makes the decisions that affect the immediate situation?
3. Who makes the decisions that determine what those individuals or groups do and say?
4. What kind of informal influence or formal power do they have?
5. What kinds of informal influence or formal power do community residents have over the situation? 
6. Whose interests are affected by decisions that have been made? 
7. Who are potential allies in an attempt to solve the problem.

Developing an Issue Campaign

“One key to developing an issue campaign with students is to break the overall task – say, a campaign for immigrant students’ rights into manageable pieces…”

When working with youth use their own cultural modes. Example: “…a youth organizer in Oakland, CA took a group of her students to a concert by the Hip Hop group Dead Prez, a politically progressive group.” She reported: “Attending the concert was an incredible political education for the students because they related so well to the medium in which the political message was delivered.”
This section goes on to list the steps to take in order to have a successful campaign when working with young people on issues. One suggestion is to have teachers and students work together and protest together. An anecdotal protest in Chicago had students and teachers both taking part targeting the board of education. They protested the U.S. military budget supporting the war in Iraq and depleting money available for public education. (A write-up of the “Rally” is on Page 195, Radical Possibilities)

“Long ago, community organizing icon Saul Alinsky pioneered the use of conventions to establish unified agendas and strategies among groups (Shaw 2001, p. 258) and such an approach seems crucial to the creation of synergy and impact today.”

 (Community organizing icon? Is this the purpose of our schools? Train more radical community organizers? With my taxes? While we have to send our children to private schools to learn to read? She is talking about Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, friends. My comment. Sharman)

"Malachi Brendan Martin (23 July 1921 – 27 July 1999), also known under the pseudonym of Michael Serafian, was an Irish-born American Traditionalist Catholic priest, biblical archaeologist, exorcist, paleographer, professor, and prolific writer on the Roman Catholic Church.

Ordained as a Jesuit priest, Martin became Professor of Palaeography  at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome. From 1958, he served as secretary to Cardinal Bea during preparations for the Second Vatican Council.  Disillusioned by Vatican II, Martin asked to be released from certain aspects of his Jesuit vows in 1964 and moved to New York City.

Martin's 17 novels and non-fiction books were frequently critical of the Catholic hierarchy, who he believed had failed to act on what he called "the Third Prophecy" revealed by the Virgin Mary at Fatima. His works included The Scribal Character of The Dead Sea Scrolls (1958) and Hostage To The Devil(1976) which dealt with Satanism, demonic possession, and exorcismThe Final Conclave (1978) was a warning against Soviet espionage in the Vatican.

Windswept House describes a satanic ritual – the enthronement of Lucifer – taking place at St. Paul's Chapel inside Vatican City, on June 29, 1963. The book gives a depiction of high-ranking churchmen, cardinals, archbishops and prelates of the Roman curia, taking oaths signed with their own blood, plotting to destroy the Church from within. It tells the story of an international organized attempt by these Vatican insiders and secular internationalists to force a pope of the Catholic Church to abdicate, so that a successor may be chosen that will fundamentally change orthodox faith and establish a New World Order.

The author describes the book as containing "real events and real people masked in the form of a novel", a device he refers to as "faction". According to Martin, 95% of events in the book are real, and 85% of the characters are real people.Wikipedia

Research that I have done on the characters in the novel identifies Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago as one of the priests who led the Satanic enthronement. Bernardin paid for Barach Obama to attend Saul Alinsky's training school. Bernardin, President of the Bishop's Council, used Alinsky methods to gain control of the Catholic Call to Action by placing like minded people in positions of power. Because of Bernardin's position in the Catholic Church many of Bernardin's people gained access to the halls of power in Chicago and throughout the country...and world. "Rebels have taken over our conference."John Cardinal Krol, Archbishop

when you see the word EQUITY, think SOCIALISM. 


In 1923, Lenin recognized the Socialist Movement would not spread to industrialized nations so he brought together a group of scholars to retool their strategy. To camouflage its nature they called it the Institute of Social Research. This group has also been known as the Frankfurt Group. Key members of the group moved to the US, mainly Columbia University. In the US they developed what they called "Critical Theory." They designed it as a strategy to change, revolutionize, and bring down America by criticizing it. 

Marcuse ... advocated the "long march through the institutions" and recommended educational institutions as a refuge for radicals in the US.

The Frankfurt School was a significant influence on Paolo Freire in the conception of critical pedagogy, alongside influences from orthodox Marxism. Critical pedagogy was meant initially to address the needs of peasants resisting oppression rather than students in the United States, who attend universities as part of a process of entering the social or economic elite. Amidst the decline of the New Left, the rise of neoconservatism, and the election of Ronald Reagan,  animated by Aronowitz's reminder of Marx's dictum, "the ultimate task of philosophy and theory was not merely to 'comprehend reality' but to change it"Henry Giroux sought to make the university classroom a site for class struggle. Giroux drew on the work of Gramsci and the British cultural marxists in conceiving of teachers as a revolutionary vanguard. Alongside Michael Apple, Giroux popularized Freire in educational studies, to the point that Freirian language and techniques of critical pedagogy became ubiquitous in liberal arts classrooms of the 1990s. The value of these practices were questioned in the broader cultural conversation on political correctness.

McLaren has developed a social movement based version on critical pedagogy that he calls revolutionary critical pedagogy, emphasizing critical pedagogy as a social movement for the creation of a democratic socialist alternative to capitalism.

In 1992, Maxine Hairston took a hard line against critical pedagogy in the first year college composition classroom and argued, "everywhere I turn I find composition faculty, both leaders in the profession and new voices, asserting that they have not only the right, but the duty, to put ideology and radical politics at the center of their teaching.

Though no one has as yet surveyed how far social justice teaching has pervaded America’s 1,500 ed schools, education researchers David Steiner (now Hunter College ed-school dean) and Susan Rozen did a study two years ago on the syllabi of the basic “foundations of education” and “methods” courses in 16 of the nation’s most prestigious ed schools. The mainstays of the foundations courses were works by Paolo Freire, Henry Giroux (a leading critical pedagogy theorist), and the radical education writer Jonathan Kozol (“America’s Most Influential—and Wrongest—School Reformer,” Winter 2000) 
If you see, Paulo Freire's book, Pedagogy of the Oppressed or Ken Goodman's Whole Language Catalog, you can be guaranteed your university is producing radicals not educators. 

CRITICAL PEDAGOGY and Bill Ayers (domestic terrorist and Obama's boss at the Chicago Anenburg Project). Ayers’s spectacular second act began when he enrolled at Columbia University’s Teachers College in 1984. Then 40, he planned to stay just to get a teaching credential. (He had taught in a “Freedom School” during his pre-underground student radical days.) But he experienced an epiphany in a course taught by Maxine Greene, a leading light of the “critical pedagogy” movement. As Ayers wrote later, he took fire from Greene’s lectures on how the “oppressive hegemony” of the capitalist social order “reproduces” itself through the traditional practice of public schooling—critical pedagogy’s fancy way of saying that the evil corporations exercise thought control through the schools.

Critical pedagogy theorists nurse a rancorous view of an America in which it is always two minutes to midnight and a knock on the door by the thought police is imminent. The education professors feel themselves anointed to use the nation’s K–12 classrooms to resist this oppressive system. Thus Maxine Greene urged teachers not to mince words with children about the evils of the existing social order. They should portray “homelessness as a consequence of the private dealings of landlords, an arms buildup as a consequence of corporate decisions, racial exclusion as a consequence of a private property-holder’s choice.” In other words, they should turn the little ones into young socialists and critical theorists.

The reading list for his urban education course includes the bible of the critical pedagogy movement, Brazilian Marxist Paolo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed; two books by Ayers himself; another by bell hooks, a radical black feminist writer and critical race theorist; and a “Freedom School” curriculum. That’s the entire spectrum of debate.

CULTURALLY RESPONSIVE TEACHING AND LEADING STANDARDS --Critical Race Theory-based force teachers to call America systemically racist, affirm the “fluidity” of gender, “mitigate” their Euro-centrism and whiteness, and substitute activism for achievement when grading students. Finding creative ways to present traditional civics to minorities is one thing. Teaching radical activism is quite another.


CRITICAL RACE THEORY--“experiential” advocacy projects designed to appeal to minority students. We are talking about Black Lives Matter protests outside of police stations for course credit. And the grants will be disbursed by President Biden’s Education Department, sure to be staffed by left-leaning bureaucrats who believe — as does the president — that our country is “systemically racist.” Put together the priority criteria and a Democrat-controlled Department of Education and you will see a tremendous number of grants going to Critical Race Theory-based political advocacy programs, all under the label of “civics.”

Critical Race Theory, of course, is antithetical to the classically liberal principles upon which our constitutional republic rests. Teaching it is actually a form of anti-civics. Yet that is what hundreds of millions of dollars disbursed by the “Civics Secures Democracy Act” is going to be used for.

In 2007, a group from the American Educational Research Association (AERA), including Ayers, demanded major accrediting organization for schools, colleges, and departments of education include categories of "social justice, sexual orientation and gender identity" in its standards. Ayers and colleagues called their effort "Call to Action: A RED Campaign for Social Justice and Queer Lives." Formerly vice president for curriculum of the AERA, Ayers was the spokesman on behalf of the effort and called on the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) to include these categories.


Cognitive dissonance was a bad thing when I attended the University of Alabama college of education fifty-four years ago. So why do they boast of intentionally creating cognitive dissonance now?

Repeated for emphasis. What do they say is the purpose? 
Bob Hamer, FBI undercover, writes about a SEXUAL PREDATOR’S STRATEGY: GROOMING. He states:  "For the persuasion sexual predator, “grooming” is the vehicle used to manipulate and seduce the vulnerable child. I didn’t learn about grooming in a college classroom or from a textbook. I learned it from the pedophiles themselves."

This time when you read it, please pay attention to the organizations that are promoting this agenda. The National Association of School Psychologists is battling our state on the Vulnerable Child Protection Act. This act attempts to protect children with potential school-induced dysphoria from the mutilation of transgender surgeries. So, just who does the National Association of School Psychologists/Alabama Association of School Psychologists represent? The child? Their parents? 

What is the definition of Cognitive Dissonance? Creating confusion? Forced Compliance? Challenging the Fixed beliefs of their parents? And our schools have that authority?

“Comprehensive sex and relationship education” has created in young people the expectation that they will have a series of casual sexual relationships. Within this culture, sexual exploitation has been allowed to go undetected and vulnerable young people have been deprived of protection.

In the foreword to Wells’s book, Nottingham University Business School professor David Paton concludes:

A clear picture emerges of a culture in which underage sexual activity has come to be viewed as a normal part of growing up and seen as relatively harmless as long as it is consensual. Combined with official policies to encourage the confidential provision of contraception to minors, it becomes clear that current approaches aimed at improving teenage sexual health have frequently facilitated and perpetuated the sexual abuse of vulnerable young people.

Bob Hamer, FBI undercover agent, writes about a SEXUAL PREDATOR’S STRATEGY: GROOMING. He states:  "For the persuasion sexual predator, “grooming” is the vehicle used to manipulate and seduce the vulnerable child. I didn’t learn about grooming in a college classroom or from a textbook. I learned it from the pedophiles themselves."


In 2007, a group from the American Educational Research Association (AERA), including domestic terrorist, now with a Ph.D. in education, Bill Ayers, demanded major accrediting organization for schools, colleges, and departments of education include categories of "social justice, sexual orientation and gender identity" in its standards. Ayers and colleagues called their effort "Call to Action: A RED Campaign for Social Justice and Queer Lives." Formerly vice president for curriculum of the AERA, Ayers was the spokesman on behalf of the effort and called on the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) to include these categories.

Would all schools in the U.S., under the muscle of an Obama administration, be forced to drill youth in the talking points of "gay" sex and gender–switching, calling it "justice"? Would Ayers' idea that America is an oppressive regime with way too much heterosexuality become a core tenet of your child's value system? (Remember the Alinsky method of co-opting words to steal their moral currency and use it to justify their own actions.)

American Education Research Association (AERA) 25,000-member AERA is the umbrella organization of the ed-school professoriate, and over the past two decades it has moved steadily left, becoming more multicultural, postmodernist, feminist, and enamored of critical race theory and queer theory.

And now the organization has just hired its first national Director of Social Justice. In fact, Ladson-Billings and Tate have coedited their own volume of essays on educational research and social justice, wherein they argue for a critical race theory approach, based on the idea that institutionalized “white supremacy” remains pervasive in American public education. Left unexplained is how these two particular critical race theorists, both black, could have been elected by their overwhelmingly white peers to preside over the education establishment’s premier organization.’-latest—and-worst—humbug-12948.html 

Check out these reading scores. You can individualize this by going to that website and zeroing in on the scores for the schools in your community. Once they find out we are onto them, they will probably change the criteria for grading once more. Notice the International Baccalaureate and the Expeditionary Learning charter schools. They are globalist in ideology and will certainly make good citizens for Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum's GREAT RESET. 

With Whole Language, you have school-induced dyslexia. Dyslexia, or learning disabilities, is a label much too often slapped upon a child to exonerate poor teaching methodology. 

Ken Goodman, once president of the International Reading Association, is co-editor of the Whole Language Catalog and is considered by some as the "Founding Father of Whole Language." He wrote "Reading: A Psycholinguistic Guessing Game" in 1967 and he was off to the races. 
You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours--the current meaning of peer review and power politics in education and probably the reason Direct Instruction was shuffled off to the back burner of education instruction and methodology. Yet, Systematic, Direct, Intensive Direct and Early (SIDE) phonics instruction continues to be the most effective reading method as shown through ABEKA schools (now online), Orton Gillingham (Providence in Dothan), and Spalding Writing Road to Reading as well as DI (Direct Instruction).   


Reading and Writing the World with Mathematics: Toward a Pedagogy for Social Justice by Eric Gutstein, a Marxist colleague of domestic terrorist and now PH.D. professor Bill Ayers’s at the University of Illinois and also a full-time Chicago public school math teacher--Like Ayers, Gutstein reveres Paolo Freire. He approvingly quotes Freire’s dictum that “there neither is, nor has ever been, an educational practice in zero space-time—neutral in the sense of being committed only to preponderantly abstract, intangible ideas.” Gutstein takes this to mean that since all education is political, leftist math teachers who care about the oppressed have a right, indeed a duty, to use a pedagogy that, in Freire’s words, “does not conceal—in fact, which proclaims—its own political character.”

Accordingly, Gutstein has relentlessly politicized his math classes for years, claiming that this approach has improved his students’ math skills while making them more aware of the injustices built in to capitalist society. One lesson, for example, presents charts showing the U.S. income distribution, aiming to get the students to understand the concept of percentages and fractions, while simultaneously showing them how much wealth is concentrated at the top in an economic system that mainly benefits the superrich. After the class does the mathematical calculations, Gutstein asks: “How does all this make you feel?” He triumphantly reports that 19 of 21 students described wealth distribution in America as “bad,” “unfair,” or “shocking,” and he proudly quotes the comments of a child named Rosa: “Well I see that all the wealth in the United States is mostly the wealth of a couple people not the whole nation.” (’-latest—and-worst—humbug-12948.html)

Dr. Patrick Groff wrote the article I posted on my blog ( on the Leftist Invasion of Reading Instruction. 

I now copy from his book, Preventing Reading Failure: Why the Myths of Reading Instruction Prevail


A final reason why the myths of reading instruction have found favor among reading professionals rests in the nature of the financial makeup of the public school system. First, the public school of the nation obviously dominate the educational scene. They have achieved this position of eminence and authority because they receive most of the tax monies that are allocated for education. None of these funds can be directly spent for the support of nonpublic schools. 

As a consequence, the public school has become an educational monopoly. As such, it faces no serious competition from any other system of education in our society. It is normal for monopolies to stifle competition. Monopolies which face no competition, also do not have to be accountable for the quality of their product. These conditions are reflected in the present public school system. 

There is little incentive here to reject the myths of reading instruction, since the public school as a monopoly knows full well that it will be supported from tax funds regardless of the level of academic attainment gained by its graduates. In fact, the public school recently has discovered a unique bounty in such fundings. It has discovered that the less successful it becomes in its mission to develop basic skills in its graduates, the more money it can expect from tax source for its educational programs.

Thus the workings of the "great American reading machine," a Yarington call it, have resulted in an attempt to establish a monopoly in the dispensation of instruction in reading pedagogy by departments of education in colleges and universities. College students ordinarily are not allowed to enroll in these reading pedagogy courses less they agree beforehand to officially enter the teacher education programs at these institutions. Courses in reading instruction offered by private sector commercial enterprises cannot be substituted for these college department of education courses. State departments of education ordinarily refuse to honor the private sector courses in fulfillment of the requirements for teaching credentials. Neither will local school districts normally accept this private sector coursework as evidence that their teachers have made the improvement of proficiency that is used by school districts to award teachers increases in pay or promotion in job status.

These monopolistic practices bring with them other disadvantageous side effects. As evidence from the field of economics would attest, production in monopolies tend to become sluggish and inefficient. Product quality inevitably suffers. Costs accelerate. The almost exclusive control of how the training or reading teachers shall be conducted by colleges and universities has proved to be no exception to this rule.

The present monopoly in the training of reading teachers by college and university departments of education thus has had a greater effect on such training than merely making it difficult to obtain. This seemingly impregnable authority over teacher education has led to the perpetuation of practices in reading instruction that have been discredited by experimental research findings. A consequence of the heretofore invulnerable power over the education of reading teachers by departments of education has been a group of serious mistakes in the way teachers have been trained to carry out reading instruction. These mistakes are what has been described as the myths of reading instruction.


What Dr. Groff described here has exploded since he published PREVENTING READING FAILURE: THE MYTHS OF READING INSTRUCTION in 1987. What Groff described has affected English (now Transformational Grammar and WOKE Literature), History (now Multiculturalism), Civics (Globalist mumbo jumbo), Science (Green New Deal),  Math (Social Justice Math no drill or repetition) --everything we once thought of as proper schooling has been replaced by MARXIST LIBERATION PEDAGOGY.  

Paolo Freire, author of Pedagogy of the Oppressed, is only behind the Bible and Shakespeare as most cited. 


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