Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Why Would I Vote for Trump?


So, why would I, a 74 year old white woman, vote for Trump? The media seems at a loss to explain it. 

I know Democrats want to claim that Trump voters are poor, white, and uneducated...pretty much as Jody Powell, Jimmy Carter's press secretary wrote, "politics of the powerless". There are many Trump supporters who the Biden/Harris presidency have relegated to that category of "powerless" by their economic policies and their reluctance to enforce our laws, preferring to incarcerate with no justice those who oppose their policies. Apparently the Democrats believe Trump supporters are, as Hillary Clinton said, "a basket of deplorables." 

They claim the high ground. 

As a college educated woman, with a Masters degree, I find this offensive. 

I watched as our president, Donald Trump, and the people of his administration were persecuted by those egged on by Democrats, becoming unable to even go to a restaurant in Washington. I watched as Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi led a coup along with CIA and FBI. 

And I could do nothing.

I see goods and food becoming more expensive because America's oil that made us independent on the world stage was curtailed so we became dependent on expensive Middle East oil to run tractors that plow our fields and fuel the trucks that bring that produce to market. 

Our sons and daughters are sent to war in foreign lands. Our friends and fellow Americans in war zones get abandoned with reckless disdain. 

And I watch with no power. 

I see Biden's son selling access to the Chinese and the Ukrainians with Biden and others in the Biden family also being recipients of these deals. And I can only watch with amazement. 

I listen to broadcast media spout their venom while pretending to be objective reporters and feel their contempt. 

I see our children being exposed to the Woke agendas under the guise of conflict resolution and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and realize the influence of the Democrat dominated National Education Association, the Department of Education, and the Colleges of Education throughout our country. 

Under the label of "WOKE", we see children being mutilated before they are truly at the age of consent and have no ability to comprehend the true consequences of accepting gender as a choice.  

As a mother and grandmother, my heart aches. 

We see people punished for not falling for the foolishness of deciding your pronouns. And I see thought police alive and well. 

Because our borders are no longer defended under this administration, with Kamala being the "border czar", murderers, sex, child trade and drug cabals, as well as terrorists from around the world have free access into our country to be treated to free health care, education, and housing, while tax paying Americans are left lacking. 

And then, I hear Kamala tell Christian men in her audience that they are in the wrong rally because they shouted "Jesus is Lord," "Christ is King"

It is little wonder Trump supporters see Trump as the last, best hope of saving all that has traditionally been what made America a "city on a hill". John Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans when he said that their new community would be watched by the world and that their sins and errors would be exposed if they failed to uphold their covenant with God. 

Yet, here is this courageous man willing to stand against the these things and all he asked of me was my vote.

What do I know? The same persecution that was applied to the duly elected president of the United States and his administration could also be leveled against all of us. Then they will come for me. 

For those who dismiss our Republic as one of our greatest assets, let me remind them that the definition of "democracy" can be defined as "two foxes and a chicken deciding what's for dinner." Too often throughout history we have seen "democracies" devolve as "strong men" take charge and what is left?

And then who will stand for me?

 And that is why I voted for Trump. 

Thursday, October 24, 2024

SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and the Woke Agenda--Your children and Your Schools

 I have been off Facebook for a while now. Why? Fatigue, apathy, slow recuperation from the June 10th knee replacement and drop foot.

It isn't that I do not care about the issues about which I have written over the years, it is just it seems nobody cares. But, today, Betty Peters sent me a link to 1819 News that motivated this post: Battling the woke, emotions-focused curriculum invading our schools.

I shared a post from PROTECT OHIO CHILDREN.COM on THE 15 harmful elements of Social Emotional Learning in August of 2022.

I also wrote of the use of MEDITATION in SEL (Social Emotional Learning) in our (Dothan's) children's classrooms conducted by teachers who are not psychologists.

I spend a lot of time watching You Tube these days. One of my favorite shows is Escape to the Country featuring Londoners who want to go rural. The hosts show the guests three homes that might fit their needs. One thing that has struck me is the number of Buddhas in gardens and on shelves. It is amazing the number of yoga instructors you see these days searching for peace in the country. I wonder if they realize that each yoga pose is actually meant as a prayer to a different Hindu god. Buddhism adopted its practices.

The consequence in England has been the abandonment of chapels now coverted to homes (many with statues prominently displayed.) Consider the Commonwealth Games opening: Just listening to their conversations, it seems the new world religion is environmentalism (Gaiea).

And then think of the opening ceremony with the Olympics Listen to Jonathan's conclusion on the meaning and impact of this sacrilege.Skip the intro if you have just a little time.

I wonder, can you see the links? Do you remember hearing the strange sounds heard around the world sounding like the Shofar --exactly what will sound when our Christ returns?
And then, what happens? A war in Israel?

So, does SEL (Social Emotional Learning) really matter?

And so, I write again. If this offends you just . Do you know what is going into your child's mind? Could it be...a Conspiracy of the Left? I wrote this nearly 30 years ago.

As my cousins always reminds me: "We serve an awesome God." I do not want to be lukewarm, Revelation 3:16. ESV So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Could it be....A Conspiracy of the Left?


Could it be...A Conspiracy of the Left? 

See also.

Could it be.....



"The presence of paranoia does not prove the absence of plots and plans.  Remember--it's not paranoia if they really are out to get you."  Henry Kissenger

"It is in politics and economics that will to power becomes really dangerous...that the rights of the collectivity take precedence over...the rights of man..."

"Here is one optimist's reason for believing unity will prevail... I'll bet that within the next hundred years, nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. A phrase briefly fashionable in the mid-20th century -- 'citizen of the world' -- will have assumed real meaning by the end of the 21st ..." -- U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbot, TIME magazine column, July 20, 1992.]

"Permanent crisis justifies permanent the agencies of the central government..."  
Brave New World Revisited

"They are slaves who fear to speak 

For the fallen and the weak...

They are slaves who dare not be 

In the right with two or three."

James Russell Lowell (Stanzas on Freedom -1843)

The information presented here is also available in the Free Book: Global Governance The University of Texas at Austin, Murchison Chair of Free Enterprise, Petroleum/CTE 3.168, Austin, Texas, 78712.  Order your copy now.

The purpose here is to show the interrelationships of the many prominent forces determining public policy today.  Could it be...a Left Wing Conspiracy?




Club of Rome

Maurice Strong (frequent speaker at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, Secretary General of the first Earth Summit in 1972, first Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Secretary General of Earth Summit II in Rio, 1992, founder of Earth Council, Chair of the Business Council for Sustainable Development, co-chair of the World Economic Forum, member of UN's Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development, member of Commission on Global Governance)


Saburo Okita 

"Limits to Growth" (1972) predicted the impending end of life as we know it due to population grown and depletion of resources; calls for international action of "unprecedented scale and scope".  "We believe in fact that the need will quickly become evident for social innovation to match technical change, for radical reform of the institutions and political process at all levels, including the highest, that of world polity.  And since intellectual enlightenment is without effect if it is not also political, THE CLUB OF ROME also will encourage the creation of a world forum where statesmen, policy-makers, and scientists can discuss the dangers and hopes for the future global system without the constraints of formal intergovernmental negotiation." En Route to Global Occupation Gary Kah

The "Stuff" of Global Governance
By Henry Lamb
 Millennium Forum meets in New York
 eco-logic report

Carnegie Foundation 

(National Center for Education and Economy--NCEE)


David Hornbeck

Marc Tucker

Hillary Clinton

Ira Magaziner

Human Capital "create a sense of crisis" and then "use courts" to achieve social goals

United Nations

Maurice Strong (Canadian, Under-secretary of UN)

Shridath Ramphal of Guyana (secretary general of the Commonwealth of Nations, comprised mainly of developing nations)

Brian Urquhart, scholar in residence for the Ford Foundation--once under secretary to the U.N.


Our Common Future: The Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development , also called the Brundtland report

Our Global Neighborhood; The Report of the Commission on Global Governance


UN Convention on the Law of the Sea

Treaty contains principles of the New International Economic Order (NIEO) --created a UN taxing authority  (a legal mechanism for the redistribution of wealth from developed to developing nations.  No seabed activity, mining, salvaging, and so forth, can occur without a permit from the ISA). President Clinton signed into law in 1994

Villages and Cities for All Generations 
"Towards a Community for All"
In support of the International Year of Older Persons 1999
February 10 - 11, 1999
United Nations Headquarters - New York City
Conference Background: 
As part of a five-year series of interlinked congresses held in cities around
the globe, this conference is organized in coordination with the United
Secretariat of the International Year of Older Persons and United Nations
Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT), NGOs and the private sector. It
will be
held in the United Nations during the Commission for Social Development in
Conference Room #4. The Conference will address the following issues:    
       What will be the impact of longevity on communities?  
       What will the impact of multigenerational communities be on
       Will multigenerational communities help people to live longer and more
successful lives?  
       How can communities prepare for changing new roles?   
       What partnerships can be established between society, government, and
       How can older persons contribute to, and care for, their
Each month the world’s older population increases by 1.2 million! By 2020, 1.4
billion persons will be over 60, an increase of 240% since 1980 with the
fastest growth in developing countries. By 2025, worldwide life expectancy
reach 73 years…a 50% improvement on the 1955 average of only 48 years…a
of life challenge! 
Conference highlights will include: an international exhibition and
presentation of architectural and interior design student projects,
Communities: A Society for All Ages;" Public/Private Partnership Luncheon and
Networking Reception, featuring the ICCC awards to eminent world leaders. 
Join experts from the fields of architecture, advertising, design, community
planning, health, government, real estate development, and technology to
discuss your ideas. The roster of prominent speakers includes:
Ambassador Julia Alvarez, Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to
the UN 
Ambassador Bagher Asadi, Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to
the UN* 
Ambassador Carlos Dos Santos, Permanent Mission of Mozambique to the UN 
Minister Motohide Yoshikawa, Minister, Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN* 
United Nations:
H.E. Kofi Annan, Secretary-General* 
Dr. Nitin Desai, Under Secretary-General, Department of Economic and Social
Dr. Klaus Toepfer, Ag. Executive Director, UN Centre for Human
Dr. Alexandre Sidorenko, Coordinator, Secretariat for the International
Year of
Older Persons 
Local Authorities, Non-Governmental Organizations, Foundations and Business:
H.E. Qassim Sultan, Director General, Dubai Municipality, United Arab
Mr. Sylvan Barnet,, Rotary International Alternate Representative to the UN 
Dr. Rod Hackney, RIBA, Former President of the International Union of

Mr. James B. Kennedy, Executive Director, Casino Reinvestment Development
Atlantic City, New Jersey 
Mr. Stephen King, Executive Director, International Council on Social Welfare 
Mr. George Soros, Chairman, Soros Foundation*


Convention on the Rights of Child

adopted by the UN General Assembly Nov. 20, 1989

Communist Party platform under Lenin called for "establishment of nurseries for infants and children in all shops, factories and other enterprises that employ women" 

Article 12.1 Grants children the right to express their own views freely in all matters

Article 13.1 Grants children the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds

Article 14:1 Grants children the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion

Article 15:1 Grants children the right to freedom of association and peaceful assembly

16:1 Grants children the right to privacy in the family, home, or correspondence

strips authority for child-rearing from parents and gives it to the government


October 2, 1994 column by Arnold Beichman, Washington Times: "Weeds In the Child's Garden of Rights."  "From Canada a warning voice is heard against ratification of a UN covenant which could 'advance a radical agenda' focused on parental authority and the normal historic family of Western society."

"In November 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted a convention, the language of which was replete with the kind of pieties so useful to avant-garde social engineers who want a new world order reflecting their weltanschauung.  The UN declaration stressed the rights of children to be raised 'in a spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and
solidarity.'  Who could argue against so majestic a declaration, so luscious a sugar-coated package?  But the devil is in the details, the subsidiary clauses, the bureaucratic guidelines --and that is the alarm which the Canadian magazine, 'Western Report,' published in Vancouver, was sounding."

[Remember that the Clintons have vowed to get this 'convention' implemented in the U.S. by hook or by crook--by legislation or Executive Order or by step-by-step agency regulations...??]

In 1990 there was the UN World Summit for Children.  "The 'Summit' attended by representatives from 71 states [remember the UN refers to countries as "states"], promulgated a world declaration comprising 54 articles calling upon governments everywhere to place the rights of children high on the national agenda.   Without a word to the Canadian House of Commons or the people of Canada, Prime Minister Mulroney signed the UN pronouncement and created a Children's Bureau, a new billion-dollar bureaucracy to administer his unilateral commitment." [Deja vu, Red, White and Blue copycat, 1999??]

"As is usual in radical blueprints for remaking the world, many of the declaration's provisions are unexceptional ... Taken out of context, warns the 'Western Report' writer, Celeste McGovern, 'the document's ambiguous phrasing raises some red flags.'"

[Note how it is phrased: 'As is usual in radical blueprints for remaking the world.'   People tend to focus on the "who could object to this" type of content and miss the "red flags." ]

Warnings of Canadian grassroots groups (1994) included warnings that the proposed treaty "ignores the rights of parents...if these functions are not clearly given to parents and the family, the powerful state agencies will assume them."  It goes on to cite Article 13, which gives children the "right to freedom of expression...the right to seek, receive, and impart information of all the form of art or through any other media of the child's choice." [1999, note the most recent pronouncements of the American Psychiatric Association and the American Library Association asserting the rights of children to delve into pornography, etc., and to participate in acts by pedophiles if they do so "consensually."]

Article 20 "gives the State the right to remove children from their homes 'for their best interests when necessary.'  That's the kind of bureaucratese which makes civil servants purr with joy since they will define the child's 'best interests' and they will define when it is 'necessary' to remove the child from a family."

Mr. Mulroney's Children's Bureau spawned a second bureaucracy, "Brighter Futures Campaign." [1999: Think about all the emerging groups in the U.S. to bring about success, etc., for our children...]  The Canadian Children's Bureau promoted good-sounding things like research into childhood asthma and cancer [Notice all the ads here for helping asthmatic children all
springing forth in 1999?] and also started a LOBBYING EFFORT TO OUTLAW SPANKING EVEN THOUGH THERE IS A DISTINCT DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A SPANKING AND CHILD ABUSE. [Emphasis capital letters added here.]

1994 column continues: "Statistics Canada, an official govt. agency, is seeking 'to develop a new definition of family because it believes the traditional family is beyond recovery,' yet researchers have found that more than 80% of Canadians live in 2-parent, heterosexual families."
"Statscan is seeking a broader definition of family which would include 'gay and lesbian families,' and 'an increase in awareness of the homosexual presence.'"

1999:  Read the headlines; read the school programs being forced in; read the news features lauding gay/lesbian activities, gay/lesbian parents; notice the story lines of movies and books. Note the "need" for govt. and business day-care centers because single mothers have nowhere to leave their children while they work; note the "need" for schools to be 
"families" in today's changed "family structures."  1999 dots had a lot preceding them. But, "it's for the children" so it's
all "needed." Who could object to wanting children to live in a "safe environment" and have "freedom"? Not mentioned in the Beichman column were the UN Rights of the Child provisions such as being free to choose their own religion OR not to have a religion; freedom to choose their own associates [...don't tell me I can't be in the Trenchcoat Mafia???]; the right to an education [where and for how long??] Lots in the details.  Lots already been eased in every so carefully in the five years since Mr. Beichman warned that the "radical agenda of the anti-family bureaucracy and its supportive lobby groups" were working to "change forever the quality of family life in Canada."  [AND EVERYWHERE ELSE, INCLUDING THE U.S.]

Thanks to Joan


Stockholm Initiative


Willie Brandt

Madam Brundtland

Butros Butros-Ghali

President Carter

Ingvar Carlsson, Prime Minister of Sweden

Shridath Ramphal 

Jan Pronk

Saburo Okita

Maurice Strong

Meeting called mainly by the group listed which endorsed calling for a Commission on Global Governance.




Socialist International


Federal Republic of Germany's former chancellor Willy Brandt

Madame Gro Harlan Brundtland (Prime Minister of Norway)


North-South: A Program for Survival (1980) dealt with distribution of wealth and political power

Stockholm Initiative: a call for the commission on Global Governance

Commission on Global Governance

Shridath Ramphal of Guyana 

Adele Simmons, president of the MacArthur Foundation--U.N. appointee to the High-Level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development

Brian Urquhart, scholar in residence for the Ford Foundation

Abdlatif Al-Hamad, director-general and chairman of the Arab Fund



Commission For Global Governance - UN affiliated commission. 

Outlines of plans for global governance by year 2000.


Quotes from Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission on Global Governance, published by Oxford Press.

·  "The Commission has been established to contribute to the emergence of a global order...,"

·  "the United Nations must play a central role..."

·  "...regimes empowered to enforce compliance..."

·  "...a new era that responds to the collective will..."

·  "..old notions of...independence lose some of their meaning..."

·  "...cherished notions of ...citizenship, sovereignty and self-determination are being challenged..."

·  "...sovereignty must be exercised collectively...particularly...the global commons..."

·  "...fundamentally important that governance be law..."

·  "...equity requires that all societies practice sustainable development..."

·  "...sustainability requires restraint on consumption at the global level..."

·  "The task of governance help those less privileged and needing comfort..."

·  "Major changes in economic practices will have to occur..."

·  "The essence of governance is the capacity of the international community to ensure compliance..."

Also calls for:

·  Expansion of the Security Council to shift power to the developing nations

·  Elimination of the Security Council veto

·  Elimination of permanent Council seats for the United States and others

·  Empowering the Council to intervene in any national activity it fines to be a threat to security--economic, social, political, military, or environmental

·  compulsory jurisdiction of, and binding decisions by, the World Court in matters of U.N. concern

·  Giving certain non-governmental organizations (NGOs) both the standing and power to initiate actions leading to U.N. intervention


Carter Administration

President Jimmy Carter

Gus Speth (father of America's environmental lobby/founded National Resources Defense Council and World Resources Institute/Clinton-Gore transition--appt. to direct U.N.'s Development Program)

Global 2000 Report called for vigorous determined new initiatives...unprecedented global cooperation and commitment...sustainable economic development

Natural Resources Defense Council

Gus Speth (founder)

World Resources Institute

Gus Speth (founder)

International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Shridath Ramphal of Guyana (secretary general of the Commonwealth of Nations, comprised mainly of developing nations)

Jay Hair (former chief executive of the National Wildlife Federation)

World Conservation Strategy: Living resource Conservation for Sustainable Development Government management of resource production/Government management of resource use/Government management of associated risks/ And a share in government power in such matters for what American politics calls public interest groups (NGOs)



World Wildlife Fund (offshoot of International Union for Conservation of Nature) 

These share the same office building in Gland, Switzerland.

Saburo Okita (chair Japan)

Julian Huxley

Max Nicholson

Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburg

World Conference on Environment and Development (Rio, 1992)

Maurice Strong (chair)

Earth Council 

Findings sent to UN

Maurice Strong

Gus Speth and World Resources Institute

International Council of Scientific Unions

World Conservation Union (International Union for the Conservation of Nature)

Center for Our Common Future

Reports to UN: monitor all world's activity and pointing out "breaches of responsible conduct"

Brundtland Commission (23 members: 3 Soviet Bloc/7 industrial democracies/13 developing nations)

Madame Gro Harlan Brundtland (Prime Minister of Norway)

Maurice Strong (chaired 1st world Conference on Environment and Development, 1972)

Saburo Okita 

Shridath Ramphal of Guyana

Report: (1987) Recommended: World Conference on Environment and Development "The United Nations should clearly be the locus of new institutional initiatives of a global character." Financial support: Government of Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Federal Republic of Germany, Japan, Ford and MacArthur Foundations of the U.S. 

·  apportion resources

·  manage technology and its uses

·  change economic and social organization of societies

·  manage social organization of nations

Consumption limits/Taxation for environmental objectives/high energy taxes and prices/creation of "market instruments"  to keep the economic decisions of free individuals from interfering with government policies

Henry Lamb writes on the rise of the UN and global governance through Environmentalism:

Big Six of the world's environmental intellectual and organizational leadership:

The Sierra Club/The Natural 'Resources Defense Council/The Audubon Society/The Wilderness Society? The Nature Conservancy/ and the National Wildlife Federation

Thomas Berry (officer of the Temple of Understanding)

Dave Foreman (co-founded Earth First/chairman of the Cenozoic Society, Chairman of the Wilderness Project/ Board of Directors of the Sierra Club)

Al Gore

Jacques Cousteau

"Techniques of making the beliefs of a few seem like a spontaneous rising of opinions from an army of many"  Richard L. Lawson

"The most difficult transition to make is from an anthropocentric to a biocentric norm of progress.  The solution is simply for us as humans to join the earth community as participating members, to foster the progress and prosperity of the bioregional communities to which we belong.  A bioregion is an identifiable geographical area of interacting life systems that is relatively self-sustaining in the ever-renewing processes of nature.  Such a bioregion is a self-propagating, self-nourishing, self-educating, self-governing, self-healing, and self-fulfilling community.  For humans to assume rights to occupy land by excluding other lifeforms from their needed habitat is to offend the community in its deepest structure.  Further, it is even to declare a state of warfare, which humans cannot win..." Bioregions: The Context for Reinhabiting the Earth Thomas Berry


The National Religious Partnership for the Environment

Al Gore

James P. Morton, Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine

Chancellor Ismar Schorsch of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America

Bishop James Malone of Youngstown, Ohio

Reverend W. Franklyn Richardson, general secretary of the National Baptist Convention

Representatives from the National Association of Evangelicals, World Vision, Sojourners, the Intervarsity Christian fellowship, the AuSable Institute

Carl Sagan

Al Gore: "...will trigger the beginning of grassroots activity in tens of thousands of religious congregations across the country."  

Carl Sagan "...separately, neither science nor religion could solve the problem of redeeming the environment from the shortsidedness of the last few decades."


Wilderness Society

Howard Zahniser

Avowed Socialists who organized the society in 1930s

Robert Marshall

Benton MacKaye

Aldo Leopold

People's Forests "Public ownership is the only basis on which we can hope to protect the incalculable values of the forests for wood resources, for soil and water conservation, and for recreation....Regardless of whether it might be desirable, it is impossible under our existing form of government to confiscate the private forests into public ownership.  We cannot afford to delay their nationalization until the form of government changes.'

Wilderness Act 1964/"Earth Day" 1970/ Clean Water Act 1972/ Endangered Species Act of 1973

Council on Foreign Relations

Alger Hiss 

These also formed the Federal Reserve Bank:

J.P. Morgan

Bernard Baruch

Otto Kahn

Jacob Shiff

Paul Warburg ("We shall have world government whether or not you like it--by conquest or consent." Senate Foreign Relations Committee testimony, 1967)

John D. Rockefeller

The membership includes the elite in politics and the media.

Foreign Affairs

"Like FDR and every President since, JFK filled his State Department and surrounded himself with individuals who were, perhaps coincidentally, members of the Council on Foreign Relations. 



UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific, and Cultural Organization)

Julian Huxley (Britain's Population Investigation Commission, VP Eugenics Society)

Bertrand Russell

Robert Muller (Secretary-General of the UN's Economic and Social Council, founder of Robert Muller School of Ageless Wisdom in Arlington,Texas, helped establish the University of Peace in Costa Rica, from which came the International Educational Goals founded on the teachings of Alice Bailey, the curriculum from the School of Ageless Wisdom--the foundation of Goals 2000)

UNESCO: Its Purpose and its Philosophy: "Thus even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is unthinkable may at least become thinkable." Julian Huxley

Charter: "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed." 

"The Impact of Science on Society," UNESCO Journal: "Every government that has been in control of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen..." Huxley

""As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education in world-mindedness can produce only precarious results.  As we have pointed out, it is frequently the family that infects the child with extreme nationalism.  The school should therefore use the means described earlier to combat family attitudes that favor jingoism...We shall presently recognize in nationalism the major obstacle to development of world-mindedness.  We are at the beginning of a long process of breaking down the wallf of national sovereignty.  UNESCO must be the pioneer."



Resource Manual p. 49.
UNESCO: Its Purpose and its Philosophy
"The general philosophy of UNESCO should be a scientific world humanism, global in extent and evolutionary in background...In its education program it can stress the ultimate need for world political unity and familiarize all people with the implications of the transfer of full sovereignty from separate nations to a world organization...political unification in some
sort of world government will be required....Tasks for the media division of UNESCO (will be) to promote the growth of a common outlook shared by all nations and help the emergency of a single world culture...Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugnic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable."

                 Sir Julian Huxley
First Director-general of UNESCO
March/April, 1979

WEB Sites: 
Go to    Robert Muller's picture will appear (he wrote the UNESCO World Core Curriculum)  notice he is chancellor of the University for Peace.  Scan down to bottom and follow the links.      Global Conference UfP Costa Rica - check out the Peace Links at the bottom.   Click on education - top line far right - Does this web site directory look like your school's curriculum?  Next, under Education for Peace - click Global Education Model UN.  You can get to Robert Muller's school at bottom.   Now, back to Education for Peace Directory or directly in at through PEACE LINKS. (or through Peace Links) to Robert Muller School.Links to related sites - take a look at Light Shift 2000, the logos tell an interesting story in themselves.  Go to THE VISION then Light Shift 2000, also Celebrate World Peace 2000, Proclamation.     Go to Our Mission - note last paragraph - change.  Also New Life Curriculum Forum - second paragraph - shift in world view.       The Tibetan is quoted in the World Core Curriculum as Muller's mentor.

\ or just go to search on: University of the Seven Rays - and browse.  I went on Hot Bot search engine.   The Tibetan and Alice Bailey are quoted throughout the World Core Curriculum - the UNESCO document - same pedagogy in our local schools.     **  See Related Web Sites - Lucis Trust -Alice Bailey - quoted throughout the UNESCO World Core Curriculum.



"I had written an essay which was circulated by UNESCO, and which earned me the title of "Father of Global Education.'  I was educated badly in France I've come to the conclusion that the only correct education that I have received in my life was from the United Nations.  We should replace the word politics by planetics.  We need planetary management, planetary caretakers.  We need global sciences.  We need a science of a global psychology, a global sociology, a global anthropology.  Then I made my proposal for a World Core Curriculum."  Speech delivered at the University of Denver in 1995 (The World Core Curriculum has received the Department of Education's stamp of approval through the National Diffusion Network for use in public schools.) Robert Muller's School of Ageless Wisdom is fully certified by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) He is also Chancellor of the University of Peace in Costa Rica and one of the major promoters of peace education initiatives through the United Nations.

Whatever happened the liberals insistence upon the separation of church and state?

"Assisting the child in becoming an integrated individual who can deal with personal experience while seeing himself as a part of the `greater whole.' In other words, promote growth of the group idea, so that the group good, group understand, group interrelations and group goodwill replace all limited, self-centered objectives, leading to group consciousness." Trojan Horse, Brenda Scott and Samantha Smith

The following is from the Preface to "The Robert Muller School; World Core Curriculum Manual"

"The underlying philosophy upon which the Robert Muller School will be found in the teachings set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey, by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul (published by Lucis Publishing Company, 113 University Place, 11th floor, New York NY 10083) and the teachings of M. Morya as given in the Agni Yoga Series books (published by Agni Yoga Society, Inc., 319 West 107th Street, New York, NY 10025).   

Webmaster:  I was unsure whether this School of Ageless Wisdom actually existed.  It does.  I visited it in Arlington, Texas.  No one answered my knock but there was a car in the driveway with a Clinton Gore bumper sticker.


Dear Friends,

 For the past 3 months I have been working on researching my local school  district's proposal to convert to a charter district (via California Senate  Bill 1705).  Because this district (Capistrano Unified) has a track record  of implementing all aspects of the federal education laws (Goals  2000/School to Work/Outcome Based Education, etc), I have much spent time  trying to reveal the motives behind the charter district proposal.

 In my recent research on this local issue, I needed to access the local  county STW plan, which is called Vision 2020 (which was put into place in  1997).  Usually I am more shrewd than this, but I must admit that I have  been under the impression since '97 that "Vision 2020" was just the name
 given to our local STW plan.  WRONG!

 While doing an Internet search to locate the website for the Orange County Dept of Education's Vision 2020 link, I was appalled to see literally  hundreds of Vision 2020 websites.  After clicking around on them, it became
 clear that Vision 2020 is the name being given to ALL cities/county
 level/international level/university level/corporate level/ even churches'
 Vision 2020 plans.

 Let me explain.  What you will find as you surf through the various Vision
 2020 sites, is that it is no coincidence that they are all named Vision
 2020.  At first glance I thought, well maybe alot of these sites have to do
 with optometry or something.  NOT!  What you will see is that they all have
 to do with community planning and development, global governance goals,
 sustained development, food distribution systems, transportation systems,
 global economy, workforce training systems (STW), ENVIRONMENTALISM, planned
 economies, human resource development, etc.

 I could not fathom what it was I was uncovering as I pursued this web  search.  It is sickening when it hits you that this IS the global agenda,  Vision 2020.  I am sure it originates at the UN, but still need to do more  research.  I wanted to give you all the heads up on my discoveries and  include here various links to just a few of the participants--so you will
 see the diversity of participants.  Most disturbing is the number of churches involved in Vision 2020 (which I believe is part of the global
 spirituality component of the plan).  So far I have found links for two Presbyterian churches, a Methodist church, and a Baptist church--and that  was just on one search engine through the first 50 hits for Vision 2020.  I  will continue to update as I do this research.  It appears that all the  church Vision 2020 sites are geared to raising money to increase church
 membership, but no real explanation for the name Vision 2020 is stated at any of these websites.

 I have found a Vision 2020 link for Yellowstone National Park (but it
 references the entire park system as involved in it), the US Space Command
 site (where it speaks of global engagement and global partnerships), the US
 Chemical Industry, several universities and a zillion local Vision 2020
 plans in most states.  I found a key site for Vision 2020 in Malaysia, one
 for India, and two for Canada.

 I will give you a glimpse of the Vision 2020 site for Ireland's University
 of Limerick because it is so absolutely frightening...  please do read

 I hope you too will see this as an urgent issue and help pass this
 information around to other activists.  The various links will appear at
 the end of this excerpt from Ireland.

 Thanks and God bless you,
 Eileen Spatz

 2.2 The detailed Vision 2020 process (outlined in 2.1) was used because:
 (i) it was felt that the future of the University of Limerick should be
 charted on the basis of the views and opinions of those who would be an
 essential part of the organisation in the time ahead.
 (ii) the potential and possibilities for future development are such as
 would benefit from in-depth and rigorous analysis over a very broad canvas.
 While the period of development of the University from 1970 to 1995 could
 be construed as having to do mainly with establishing and developing a
 national reputation and extending this to the international domain, the
 next 25 years can hardly avoid focusing on the creation and sustaining of a
 strong international reputation. The serious consolidation of the
University of Limerick in the international sphere raises many exciting and
 far reaching issues and visions which span a very broad area. For instance,
 the external environment, within which the University will need to chart
 its development, can be expected to contain the following characteristics:
  Increasing intensification of the process of globalisation under the
 impetus of technological advance and geopolitical trade block
 consolidation; and this globalisation will take place in the context of a
 multi-polar trading and development world which is replacing the old
 bi-polar world;
  The all-pervasive growth of informatics and consolidation of the
 "Information Age". The resulting information society will generate
 societal, economic, cultural and organisational issues which simply did not
 manifest themselves during the last 25 years. Studies show that the
 information society, for instance, will:
 - impact in a fundamental way on the economy and on employment;
 - lead to far-reaching change in basic social and democratic values in the
 "Virtual Community";
 - influence the nature, organisation and delivery of public services;
 - put new pressures on and influence the cultural dimension of life and
shape the future of communications, particularly the media;
 - redefine the parameters for sustainable growth, technology and
 infrastructural development.
  New forms of entrepreneurship and enterprise operating successfully in a
 global and information society context;
  Environmental concerns, of a different nature and more intensely
 expressed than in the past;
  Societal values taking on different emphases than in the past;
  The growth and development of a more aesthetic value system and leisure
 culture putting a sharp focus on, for instance, music and the arts,
 literature and tourism - and by extension the potential for development
 enshrined in the Irish Diaspora;
  New forms of quality, qualitative concerns and automation coming to bear
 on the future manufacturing process across all sectors;
  Well-focused strategic alliances between organisations and corporations
 throughout the world since the potential for and scale of development will
 be such as will be beyond the scope of any one organisation.



 3.1.1 The broad thrust of the report:
  The team adopted as its guiding principle: "Embodying the Creation of
 Knowledge in a Global Village".
  Traditionally, universities have concerned themselves with the creation
 of bodies of knowledge and the creation of knowledgeable bodies. In a
 period of rapid population growth, the University of Limerick achieved
 particular success in fostering the expansion of the Irish high-tech sector.
  This function is under threat from a number of interacting social,
 demographic and technological change forces. But change brings with it new
 opportunities as well as threats.
  The report outlines how these changes will affect the environment of the
 University of Limerick, and suggests how the University might transform
 itself to pursue relevant economic and social goals in a rapidly evolving
 and competitive market situation.
  It concludes that a future based on multidisciplinarity and, in later
 years specialisation, within a small set of strategically chosen areas,
 will best serve the institution and Irish society at large.
  A concentration of effort, starting in the very near future, will be
 needed to realise this vision, and the effort will require fundamental
 changes in attitudes, operations and structures.
 3.1.2 Structure of report:
 The report is organised in five main sections:
  What is a university?
  What are the five most significant elements of our external environment?
  What will constitute a university and society in 25 years?
  Charting a future for the University of Limerick.
  New directions.
 The report also includes, as appendices, a number of position papers which
 were reviewed by the Working Team in the course of its deliberations.
 3.1.3 Facets of a University:
 In attempting to answer the question "what is a university?", the report
 highlights the multifaceted nature of a university. Different universities
 at different junctures emphasise different facets:
  An inventory (both physical and human) of knowledge about the world;
  A community of scholars concerned with the discovery, integration,
 application, and dissemination of knowledge;
  An oligopolistic supplier of (professional) qualifications and networks
 which simplify labour market access;
  A social space where young people have formative experiences;
  A regionally monopsonistic employer;
  An engine for social and/or economic development.
 Each of these facets is reviewed and discussed in turn. The report
 concludes that the extent to which any university is perceived as "good"
 will depend on which of a series of personal viewpoints and values holds
 sway in a broad social arena, and that perhaps a pragmatic long-term
 strategy is necessary which involves striking a delicate balance between
 opposing views.
 The approach adopted in the report is one based on choice - a university
 can choose to emphasise particular facets and if it succeeds in emphasising
 the correct ones, it succeeds.
 3.1.4 Five Elements of our Environment/Scenarios for 2020:
 The report then proceeds to attempt to identify some of the elemental
 forces that may shape universities over the next two decades. Five elements
 are identified, and each is explored in turn:
  Economic Development
  New Sites of Scholarship
 In the case of "Society", the possibility that Ireland's traditional
 commitment to the social may solidify in the face of an increasingly
 individualistic (and potentially fragmented) external world is raised. This
 would result in:
  Greater emphasis on social stability and cohesion;
  A desire to escape from an entirely materialistic society;
  A sense of pride in a country that emphasises equity.
> On the other hand, individualism may come to the fore, in an increasingly
 materialistic and uncaring world.
 The existence of an intricate network of social institutions is relatively
 recent and fragile (cf. events in Eastern Europe). Fragmentation of social
 institutions has implications for university education.
 The review of "demography" concludes that, on certain assumptions derived
 from a HEA study, the University of Limerick can look forward to healthy
 growth in total enrolment (by about 34%) in the period to 2015. However,
 even accepting these assumptions (which require further analysis), there
 may well be a fundamental shift in the composition of society, with a
 consequent impact on the quantitative demand for educational services.
 Issues concerning admission standards, a possible pecking order among
 institutions, and the educational demands of an ageing population will
As a result of emerging trends in "technology", the simultaneous liberation
 of space, the elimination of human intermediaries, and the creation of work
 from home, produces a series of revolutionary threats and opportunities.
 These technical changes are difficult to comprehend and to project; they
 are occurring rapidly, and changes in one sphere are reflected in and
 generate changes in other spheres.
 The advent of the new age of work (with the home being used increasingly as
 the location for both part-time and full-time working careers) will pose
 new and different issues for education:
  A requirement for continuous retraining and updating of competencies;
  An emphasis on communication skills, creativity, and multicultural
 The key challenge facing universities is to remain relevant to the new
 emergent growth sectors, and to prepare society for the new world of work.
 Under "Economic Development", the report reviews recent Irish industrial
 development policy, and draws the conclusions (inter alia) that:
  The strategy which was based on Ireland's role as a gateway for US
 high-tech firms seeking a European toe-hold remains valid;
  Indigenous firms should be resourced and encouraged to exploit the
 opportunities opened up by the combination of modern technologies and the
 information age with developments in Irish art and culture.
 The report also examines the inter-relation of economic development and
 social issues, and predicts that the University of Limerick has the
 opportunity to be a pioneer in genuinely improving access to education, and
 thereby contributing to social development and greater social harmony in
 our local and national community.
 In discussing the "Shifting Sites of Scholarship" the report notes that:
  Whereas fifty years ago universities had localised monopolies of
 scholarly activity, there is now a proliferation of institutions and other
 educational bodies resulting in greater competition in traditional markets,
 with the university just one of many players;
  Equally, there is a polarisation in labour markets, with new information
 technologies giving rise to opportunities for both highly specialised
 professionals and generalists.
 All of this is a natural consequence of knowledge as the central economic
 resource in late modern society - its very centrality making it unlikely
 that it will be left exclusively in the hands of collegially organised
 institutions. If knowledge has become power then ownership of knowledge
 becomes contested.
 The conclusions from the analysis of these five elements are brought to
 bear in the section of the report headed "Charting the University of
 Limerick's Future".
 Before that, however, the report develops a number of scenarios for 2020.
 The purpose of the scenarios is to integrate themes already identified in
 the report, in order to demonstrate the potency of these forces taken
A number of possible scenarios for society are developed, basically a
 series of alternative stories representing and reflecting areas of
 uncertainty about the future:
  The subject - Individual (I) Vs. Community (We).
  Society - Coherence Vs. Fragmentation.
 The scenarios are described under four dimensions:
  "I will - The world fragments into a working pandemonium of individuals,
 organised by jobs rather than geography".
  "Consumer Land - The world is populated by consumers rather than
  "Ecotopia - The world slows the growth of development in reaction to  early decades of high crime and chaos."
  "New Civics - The world settles into small powerful city states."

 *note:  for this website (University of Limerick (Ireland) click here:
 Other Vision 2020 websites (just a small sampling):  (I will start with this
 local Orange County, CA  Vision 2020 link (county))  (from Canada)  (also from Canada)  (U.S. National Parks plan)  (Orlando, FL local plan) (University of Kentucky)  (Texas A & M)  (Iowa State University)

 *note:  I found several college and university Vision 2020 websites in the
 U.S.)  (Intenational Institute for
 Christian Studies)  (Methodist church Vision 2020)  (Presbyterian church in
 Cananda-Vision 2020)  (US Chemical Industry)  (US Space Command--space
 industry's Vision 2020)  (Hamilton, OH local Vision 2020 plan )  (Maple Valley, WA local Vision
 *note:  found local Vision 2020 sites for literally dozens of US cities  (India's Vision 2020)  (Malaysia's Vision 2020 site--a must see)

  invite you to do an Internet search on ANY search engine and compile your
 own list of Vision 2020 websites to add to these.

For those of you who think that stopping UNESCO and our government's Presidential involvement in that organization does NOT have a direct bearing on Education, I suggest you go to the UNESCO site and read their agenda for Education world wide at the UNESCO site for their "Second International Congress Technical and Vocational Education" at:

Pay close attention to the buzz words used on the Tech Ed pages such as "life long learners" "global economy" "bridge to the future",   "world of work" , etc etc.  

I also suggest you surf around the main site and beside this on Tech Education go back a bit to the UNESCO main index and read about Sex Ed and Population planning and stuff.

If this is all just a kook conspiracy theory, then I am glad I am in good company with Bob Barr and others in Congress who have finally seen the light.

For years we have asked "where is all this education crap coming from", perhaps this site I listed above will just begin to shed some light on that question. It's the old which came first the chicken or the egg question.

Thanks to Lois


Theosophical Society

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (founder) 

Alice Bailey (assumed leadership after death of Blavatsky)

Robert McNamara

Henry Kissinger

David Rockefeller

Paul Volker

George Schultz

Bailey founded the Lucifer Publishing Company renamed Lucis Press in 1924.Published 20 books written by Bailey as "chaneling" agent for for the disembodied Djwhal Khul.  The Lucis Trust was one of the first NGOs to be granted "consultative" status with the UN.(Global Government , a special report by the Murchison Chair of Free Enterprise University of Texas at Austin)



Lucis Trust

Excerpted from:

New Age Roots

Dark Foundations of the New World Order

Steve Bonta

The New American, March 1, 1999

Although the Theosophical Society remains a force in the occult/New Age camp, its influence today seems to be confined to the education (or re-education) of those seeking alternatives to Western religion. The Society at Adyar parted ways with European and American power elites back in the 1920s, with the expulsion from the Society in America of Alice Bailey and her husband Foster Bailey. The Baileys inaugurated the Lucis Trust, a New York-based organization responsible for giving the New Age movement most of its modem organization and political trappings.

Like Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey claimed to have been overshadowed on various occasions by an "Ascended Master" (named Djwhal Khul), and to have penned many volumes of occult writing under his influence. The Lucis Trust, like the Theosophical Society, claims as one of its purposes the advancement of interest in occult and arcane religion. It runs a number of non-profit "arcane schools" designed to teach various occult doctrines and practices.

The Lucis Trust is also aggressively involved in promoting a globalist ideology, which it refers to as "goodwill." Its World Goodwill organization is closely connected to international elitist circles. Authors and participants in its various conferences read like a Who's Who of the globalist insiders. Featured on its website, for example, is the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities, put forth in April 1998 as a companion document to the notorious UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Signatories to the World Goodwill document include: Helmut Schmidt, former chancellor of West Germany; Malcolm Fraser, former Australian prime minister; Oscar Arias Sanchez, former prime minister of Costa Rica; Shimon Peres; Robert McNamara; Paul Volcker; and Jimmy Carter. Indeed, the Lucis Trust enjoys consultant status at the United Nations and, judging from the political writings appearing in its publications, it is as much a political organization as an occult religious one.

The following links are posted on the website of the Lucis Trust support group, the New Group of World Servers, one of four legs of the Lucis Trust, established up by Alice Bailey.

The groups comprise the real working legs of the new age movement, taking world civilization where Bailey had envisioned through her mediumistic writings, first published under the name Lucifer Publishing company.  Their real aims are to establish a one-world governance/civilization, through collective love and "good will" and human service as a paradigm-shift process to usher in a new world order as described in Bailey's demonic books. Not everyone who is referenced below is necessarily a new ager, but it does reflect the inclusive drift of their larger working agenda. 

Education -

Arcane School 

Arcana Workshops 

Esoteric Sciences & Creative Education Foundation 

Findhorn Foundation 

Institute for Noetic Sciences 

Institute for Visionary Leadership 

Krotona Institute School 

Office of the Caduceator New 

Quint College New 

Sancta Sophia Seminary 

School for Esoteric Studies 

Sirius Community 

The Character Education Partnership 

The Blavatsky Study Center New 

The Mikel Institute and Center 

The Radiance Technique International Association, Inc. 

University of Seven Rays 

White Mountain Education Association 


California Institute of Integral Studies New 

Common Boundary 

Human Service Alliance New 

The Rocky Mountain Institute 

VWIS (Voluntary Work Information Service) New 

WorldTeach New 

Childrens Education

Association Montessori Internationale 

Atrium Society 

Balanced Beginnings 

CityKids Foundation 

Global Elementary Model United Nations 

International Education and Resource Network - iEarn 

Institute for Visionary Leadership 

Kids Peace Net 

Legacy International 

One Day Foundation 

Robert Muller Schools International Coordinating Center 

Steiner Waldorf Schools

Environmental (Human Services) -

1% Connecting the Community New

CARE International New

Food Relief International

Habitat for Humanity International New

Human Kindness Foundation New

Human Services Alliance

OneWorld Online New

Points of Light Foundation


United Nations Development Programme

(Ecological Services) -

Abundant Life Seed Foundation New

Context Institute New

Coral Cay Conservation New

Earth Dream Alliance 

EarthLight Magazine New





Mana Foundation New

Manitou Foundation 

Manitou Institute 

National Audubon Society 

National Wildlife Federation 

Rocky Mountain Institute 

Rural Advancement Foundation International New

Seeds of Change New

Sierra Club

Sirius Community

The Amazing Environmental Organization


The Commons New

The Earth Council 

The Institute for Earth Education 

The Simple Living Network 

Trees For Life 

Union of Concerned Scientists New

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 

Worldwatch Institute 

Esoteric / Metaphysical -

The Agni Yoga Society


Arcana Workshops

The Arizona Agni Yoga Rainbow Group


Auckland Goodwill Unit of Service New

Blavatsky Net Foundation New

Bristol Goodwill 

C.I.E. [Centro Iniciatico Europeo]

Center for World Servers

The Center for Planetary Goodwill

The Center for Visionary Leadership 

EarthLight Magazine New


Esoteric Sciences & Creative Education Foundation

Esoteric World Service 

Farmington Community Church and Wisdom Center

Findhorn Foundation

Forum Foundation New 

Friends of Peace Pilgrim 

Fundacion Desarrollo Nuevo Pensamiento

IPS--The Institute for Planetary Synthesis

Institute of Noetic Sciences (see Educational Groups)

Institute for Visionary Leadership 

Krotona Institute of Theosophy

Kripalu Center 

Los Angeles Heart Project New

Los Angeles InterGroup

Lucis Trust and Lucis Publishing 

Master in the Heart Services New

Manitou Foundation 

Manitou Institute 

Meditation Groups Inc.

Nicholas Roerich Museum 

Ojai Foundation

Other Dimensions Services 

OPA--Operation Planet Love

Quebec Association for Goodwill Association [qucoise de


Bonne Volont/font>

Rosicrucian Order AMORC

Sancta Sophia Seminary

Sirius Community

School for Esoteric Studies

South African Goodwill Association New

Southern Lights Goodwill


Sundail House

Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Terra New


The Hermetic Observatory - THOTh

Theosophical Society in America New

The Upper Triad

Triangles of Light Newsletter New

Unity And Diversity World Council

Universal World Harmony through Service (UWHTS)

White Mountain Education Association 

World Goodwill 

World Service Intergroup 

World Service Meditation Group

World Service Network

World Unity and Service Trust

Political -

Bat Shalom 

Center for Living Democracy 

Center For Visionary Leadership 

EcoPlan International 

Friends of Peace Pilgrim 

Heartland Institute 

Peacemaker Community 

The Carter Center 

Volunteers For Peace International Workcamps 

United Nations Foundation New

United Nations

Financial -

Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies 

Greenmoney Online Guide New

Investor Responsibility Research Center 

Lifebridge Foundation 

Social Investment Forum 

Responsible Wealth - United For A Fair Economy 

Business -

Business for Social Responsibility 

Computer Professionals for Social

Responsibility New


Co-op America 

Earth Tones New

Green Pages 

International Ethical Business Registry New

Provender Alliance


Health and Medicine -

American Red Cross 

Burmese Refugee Care Project New

Citizens for Health

Creative Health Network 

Human Services Alliance New

Interfaith Health Program 

Psychologists for Social Responsibility

World Health Organization WHO

Political -

Bat Shalom 

Center for Living Democracy 

Center For Visionary Leadership 

EcoPlan International 

Friends of Peace Pilgrim 

Heartland Institute 

Peacemaker Community 

The Carter Center 

Volunteers For Peace International Workcamps 

United Nations Foundation New

United Nations 

Religious -

Center For Global Ethics 

Drepung Loseling Monastery 

Global Dialogue Institute 

Haidakhandi Universal Ashram New

Institute for World Spirituality 

International Network for Interfaith Health


International Interfaith Centre 


Islam Intellectual Forum 

Manitou Foundation New

Manitou Institute New

Pluralism Project 

The Religious Freedom Home Page

The Jewish Reconstuctionist Federation 

Travel -

Council Travel New

Conservation International 

Earthwise Journeys New

Eco-Source New

Ecotourism Explorer 

Hostelling International 

Partners in Responsible Tourism

Arts -

Blue Apple Players 

Global Visions Directory 

KPFK - Pacifica Radio New

Network Productions, Inc. 

New Dimensions Radio 

Nicholas Roerich Museum

Northwest Delta Choral and Arts Council 

RAIN Community Internet New

Stuart Pimsler Dance and Theatre 

The Foundry Theatre 

Turtles, Inc. 


Jubillinium Project  



Correction:  I had given Maurice Strong credit for Earth Day.  I appreciate Mr. McConnell setting me straight.

Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2000 12:22 PM
 Subject: From Earth Day Founder

 Dear Friends,

 Your web site brings out repeatedly the many conflicting forces at work in  society.  I happen to be an evangelical Christian - and was the founder of  the real Earth Day. Please to to my web site:  Note:
"Commandments of Jesus."  I would be delighted if you would give me a call.

 John McConnell  -- the founder of the original Earth Day.

I did go to Mr. McConnell's web site ( and responded by e-mail...

Dear Mr. McConnell,

 Please forgive me for taking so long to respond to your email.  My yard was recently on the garden tour for the local botanical garden.  Needless to say I have been "sowing, hoeing and mowing" from morning till night.

 Then my computer got a "worm"!  Unfortunately this worm did nothing to aerate my soil and merely wreaked havoc on data!  I feel like composting my computer.

 I am finally back and ready to respond.

 I did check out the web site to which you referred me.  I must tell you the inclination toward world government has me alarmed.  I find it amazing that groups of non governmental organizations (unelected) would presume to dictate and assume the such power over the people of the world.  After reading David Hornbeck's book Human Capital I am quite aware of the determination of these groups to "create a sense of crisis" and then come up with "the answer" (predetermined and always enhancing their own power and advocacy group).  By manipulating opinion through altruistic jargon people are convinced to cede their independence and individualism to become
"human capital" to the world economy.  Man has become merely a cog whose purpose is to create wealth and deposit it into the hands of a world elite.  Man's only  purpose is to create wealth to be used by the "elite" for the "common good" according to their determination of that good.  No longer is the individual a special child of God created in His image for His purpose, allowed to dream and become...whatever that may be...farmer or president.  By taxing the world this "world" body would have immense power to become the foxes telling the chicken what's for dinner.  And I do not doubt that our own  country, the beacon of hope and freedom for the world, the most generous of all nations, would then become ripe for the plucking.

 Socialism has never worked.  It has merely bred tyrants and dictators (Lenin, Stalin, Mao for example) and led to blood baths.  Whatever group that tyrant decided was "inferior" or a "threat to the common good" was annihilated...gypsies, Jews, Christians, freedom fighters.  It is freedom that has elevated the standard of living for the people of this country. It is freedom to realize the potential of each individual that we should "redistribute" and then whatever "resources" each country has could be developed without making the entire world generic according to the supposed egalitarian edicts of a world elite.

 I realize it was an ideal of Plato's to breed an "elite" to rule and provide for the less able masses.  Unfortunately, history has proven that such arrogance in the "elite" produced only contempt for the masses and a disregard for the value of human life.  The end justifies the means.

 You and I share a commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  Yet, I  wonder how we can be obedient to his "Great Commission" under the United Religions Initiative.  Can we truly love and not share the Truth and eternity with our fellow man?  How can we compromise God's Word and our Faith by coming to "consensus" on issues about which the Bible is so clear?  Are we not doing just what the last verse in the book of Judge's commented so sadly upon:  "And they all did what was right in their own eyes" ?

 I see the world government movement much like the building of the Tower of  Babel.  Man sets himself up as his own god.  We sow to the wind and will  reap the whirlwind.

 I will give you credit for being the founder of Earth Day (surely altruistic in its infancy), but was it your vision that it evolve into a symbol of the movement to confiscate private property, redistribute the wealth of the  world according to the whims of some world elite, and force Christians to compromise their absolutes to conform to the "current wisdom"?  I am concerned that we have come to worship the creation and not the Creator.

 You are now in your eighties.  You have had a very full life.  I have just  turned fifty (that was a tough day).  We will have much to tell our Savior when we see him face to face.  I know you, like me, long to hear him say, "Well done my good and faithful servant."

 Thank you for writing me.  I am honored.

 In His love...
Your sister in Christ,
Sharman Ramsey

November, 2003 note on Earth Charter:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eartth Charter Information" <>

Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 4:48 PM
> NOTA:  Para su conveniencia, adjuntamos las noticias en espa񯬊 en este
> correo.  Saludos.
> NOTE:  Merci de nous contacter si vous souhaitez recevoir la version
> fran
> ---------------------
> Recent Events 1. UNESCO Adopts a Resolution in Support of the Earth
> 2. A CD on the Earth Charter is Produced by Raffi
> 3. GEA Conference for Sustainable Future Adopted a Recommendation on the
> Earth Charter
> 4. The BRC Celebrated their Anniversary inspired by the Notion of
> Interconnectedness
> 5. Earth Charter Disseminated in Seychelles
> 6. ICLEI World Congress 2003 Contemplates The Earth Charter
> Upcoming Events
> 7. The Brazilian Social Forum and the Earth Charter
> 8. "Two Weeks of Tolerance" and the Earth Charter in Laval
> 9. The First National Gathering On Ethics For Sustainability - Mexico
> 10. The Earth Charter will be at the World Social Forum '04 in India
> Ongoing Activities
> 11. Multiple Earth Charter Activities in Tampa
> 12. Earth Charter Youth Groups and their Work Worldwide
> The 32nd General Conference of UNESCO, which took place in October 2003,
> supported a resolution "recognizing the Earth Charter as an important
> ethical framework for sustainable development" and acknowledging "its
> ethical principles, its objectives and its contents, as an expression that
> coincides with the vision that UNESCO has with regard to their new
> Medium-Term Strategy for 2002-2007." The Draft Resolution submitted by the
> Government of Jordan and supported by Costa Rica, Honduras and Spain,
> affirms member states the intention "to utilize the Earth Charter as an
> educational instrument, particularly in the framework of the United
> Decade for Education for Sustainable Development" which begins in 2005.
> represents a significant expression of acknowledgement of the importance
> the Earth Charter and recognition of it as an important instrument. Please
> see more information and the Resolution at
> Recently, Raffi, a famous Canadian children's troubadour launched a CD
> inspired by the Earth Charter. The CD "Where We All Belong" contains three
> beautiful songs which celebrate life. The CD helps promote the Earth
> and it is also an excellent learning tool for students, and an opportunity
> for diverse groups to share the Earth Charter with their membership. For
> more information and ordering please visit: Earth
> Charter Secretariat: P.O. Box 138-6100, San Jos
Costa Rica Tel: (506)
> 205-9000 / Fax: (506) 249-1929 / E-mail: /
> The GEA Conference, held in Japan from October 24th-26th, focused on three
> areas: education, information technology and natural resources. The
> Conference was attended by Princess Basma, Wakako Hironaka, Steven
> Rockefeller, Earth Charter Commissioners, and other friends of the Earth
> Charter who urged the Japanese Government to support the Earth Charter and
> to use it as an educational tool in the Decade of Education for
> Development (DESD). The speech of Prof. Rockefeller can be found at the
> Earth Charter website. At the end of the Conference a set of
> was adopted, including one on the Earth Charter, which reads as follows:
> "Partners to promote the DESD should consider establishment of an ethical
> framework for sustainable development. The guiding principles in the Earth
> Charter could be reflected in materials used in all learning efforts to
> promote sustainable development, including those in the school systems."
> More information on the conference at
> The Boston Research Center for the 21st Century celebrated its 10th
> Anniversary on September 26-27, 2003. As a long-standing supporter of the
> Earth Charter, this international peace and justice institute framed the
> substance of their conference celebration around interconnectedness, a key
> theme of the Earth Charter. Entitled 'Re-imagining Self, Other and the
> Natural World', the gathering of some 150 Boston-area scholars and peace
> activists was inspired by Principle 16f of the Earth Charter which states,
> "Recognize that peace is the wholeness created by right relationships with
> oneself, other persons, other cultures, other life, Earth, and the larger
> whole of which we all are a part." With this, the conference focused on
> three philosophies of interconnectedness that are at work in the world:
> Eastern Religious Traditions; Relational Psychology (as developed at the
> Stone Center, Wellesley College); and Indigenous Cultures. An in-depth
> summary of the conference is available on the BRC's website,
> CEFRAD, the Commonwealth Foundation and the UNESCO Small Islands Voice
> Project, co-hosted an international workshop on 'Democratic Governance and
> Sustainable Development in Small Island Developing States' from 27th to
> October, 2003. Visitors were invited to read the Earth Charter and endorse
> it. Participants were encouraged to use the Earth Charter in their fields.
> This workshop had the participation of delegates from Mauritius,
> Chago, Maldives and Zanzibar, in addition to representatives of a number
> local organizations. Various issues such as culture, peace, partnership,
> education, democracy and economic growth were covered during this four-day
> seminar. Apart from this specific event, CEFRAD will be developing a
> to present the Earth Charter to NGOs, Government Ministries, schools and
> youth clubs. More information at
> Earth Charter Secretariat: P.O. Box 138-6100, San Jos
Costa Rica Tel:
> (506) 205-9000 / Fax: (506) 249-1929 / E-mail: /
> This event took place in Athens, Greece from 3 - 7 November 2003. The
> were Local Action 21 and Local Governments Implementing Sustainable
> Development. The Earth Charter was contemplated within the program for
> November 5th in Session B4. In that context, ICLEI members unanimously
> adopted the Earth Charter principles as part of the ICLEI Charter of
> Principles. More information and the agenda of the Congress at the Earth
> Charter website or at ICLEI's website
> The Social Forum in Brazil will take place between the 6th and the 9th of
> November with the objective of discussing the same themes of the World
> Social Forum but focused on Brazil. The Paulo Freire Institute is
> the Earth Charter on November 9th with a conference entitled "The Earth
> Charter: Ethical Frame for Another Kind of Education" with the
> of Professors Leonardo Boff and Moacir Gadotti. More information on the
> conference at:
> Global Citizenship in Laval City, Quebec will be carrying out some
> activities at the local level with regards to the Earth Charter and
> of Peace on the aspect of Tolerance. The project, "Two Weeks of Tolerance"
> with the network of the public libraries, 10 in Laval, received excellent
> documentation from the Canadian Commission for UNESCO. On November 19th,
> interactive workshop concerning "How to Handle a Bad Conflict in a Pacific
> Way?" will be celebrated. The group will be formed of young 12 to 15 years
> old and people over 55 for an intergenerational experience. Other
> regarding tolerance will take place in Laval for two weeks. More
> about this at
> From 12-15 November 2003, the Mexican Earth Charter Committee is
> a series of events in Morelia, the capital city of Michoacan State. The
> activity is part of the Mexican effort to implement its commitment in the
> Type II Partnership, "Educating for Sustainable Living with the Earth
> Charter", as well as its commitment to the Latin-American and Caribbean
> Ministerial Initiative for Sustainable Development. Objectives, among
> others, are to a) Reflect on the principles of the Earth Charter and how
> they can be articulated in Mexico and b) Explore ways to incorporate the
> Earth Charter into education in Mexico. More information and the agenda
> be found in the news section of the Earth Charter website or with e-mail:
> The World Social Forum 2004 is taking place in Mumbai, India from January
> 16-21st. The Paulo Freire Institute and the Earth Charter Secretariat are
> collaborating in the organization of an event where the Earth Charter will
> be the focus of a large conference titled, 'The Earth Charter: a Framework
> for Just Globalization'. The capacity of this event is 4000 people. We
> also registered a smaller workshop for educators titled: 'The Earth
> Responding to the Educational Challenge of the 21st Century'. If you plan
> be in Mumbai for the Forum, please write to us to let us know at
> Earth Charter Secretariat: P.O. Box 138-6100, San Jos
Costa Rica Tel:
> (506) 205-9000 / Fax: (506) 249-1929 / E-mail: /
> Several Earth Charter-related activities are currently taking place in
> Tampa, USA. Among them the following:
>   Earth Scouts, building a scouting organization for boys and girls ages 3
> to 13 years with badges on the principles of the Earth Charter.
>   Earth Charter Community Champions Recognitions, a recognition gala
affair of individuals in the arts, education, business, government and the
> community who are fulfilling principles of the EC.
>   Earth Charter Community Indicators, the development of indicators for
> "which makes life worthwhile" including measurements of human, natural,
> social and financial capital.
>   Earth Charter Living Television Series-Public Access TV Channel. A
> series both light and serious shows to enlighten about EC principles and
> values.
>   Earth Charter Spiritual Community to create supportive environment for
> people connecting to the Earth Charter on a spiritual basis.
> For more, please visit
> Since the Earth Charter Youth Groups (ECYG) was launched at the end of
> this year, some very motivating actions have been generated in different
> parts of the world:
> In the Philippines, the environmental organization ECO TREKKERS joined the
> program and started to use the Earth Charter to underline the ethical
> principles of their activities against the introduction of genetically
> modified organisms. For more information please see
> In Jordan, an Earth Charter Youth Group was established and gained the
> support of Her Royal Highness Princess Basma to create a national youth
> network, which embraces the ethical vision of the Earth Charter.
> In the West-African Sierra Leone, four local ECYGs have been created. In
> their latest activity, they used the Earth Charter in a sensibilization
> session for ex-combatants of the civil war, which took place during the
last decade. Please request information to

he Gaia Institute 

Lindisfarne Association 

(housed at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine)

James Lovelock

Lyn Margulis (ex-wife of Carl Sagan)

Maurice Strong

Robert Muller (Officer of Temple of Understanding)

VP Al Gore is a frequent speaker here.


"On Earth, she (gaia) is the source of life, everlasting and is alive now, she gave birth to humankind and we are a part of her."  James Lovelock at Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders for Human Survival sponsored by the UNDP's Global Committee of Parliamentarians on Population and Development and the Temple of Understanding (NGO accredited to the UN) As the result of this forum "education and action kits" were produced.  "We are required by our religious principles to look for the links between equity and ecology.  The fundamental emphasis is on issues of environmental justice, including air pollution and global warming; water, food, and agriculture; population and consumption; hunger, trade and industrial policy; community economic development; toxic pollution and hazardhous waste; and corporate responsibility."Amy Elizabeth Fox




Al Gore, Earth in the Balance

"I have come to believe that we must take bold and unequivocal action: we must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization.   Adopting a central organizing principle--one agreed to voluntarily--means embarking on an all-out effort to use every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action--to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the environment and to preserve and nurture our ecological system.

Minor shifts in policy, marginal adjustments in ongoing programs, mode-rate improvements in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of genuine change--these are all forms of appeasement, designed to satisfy the public's desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle, and wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary."

Calls for tax on fossil fuels. And "global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine over say, a twenty-five year period."

Organized "prayer breakfasts" for James Parks Morton, Dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine and officer of the Temple of Understanding, to promote the National Religious Partnership for the Environment.

Led Senate to approve the Montreal Protocol which banned refrigerants.


Temple of Understanding (founded in 1960)

Juliet Hollister/Maurice Strong/HH. the XIV Dalai Lama/Jawaharlal Nehru/HH. Pope John XXIII/Eleanor Roosevelt/Anwar el-Sadat/Dr. Albert Schweitzer/UN Secretary-General U Thant/Dr. Robert Muller/James Lovelock/Javier Perez de Cuellar/Paul Gorman/Robert Muller/Thomas Berry

"I saw children lying in the laps of large dogs and a boy bringing his stuffed animals to be blessed.  I saw the not yet famous elephant and camel march up the aisle; a lawyer who scoops the poop and enjoys being closn-for-a-day; a priest who finds himself covered with wriggling ferrets' a man and woman who meet when their leashes become enmeshed; a volunteer gardener marching to the altar with a bowl full of compost and worms; a sermon by Al Gore, in which he called on the congregants to recognize that `God is not separate from the Earth." William Bryant Logan, editor of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine's newsletter.


Castro's Strong
friend in U.N.
Shares socialist agenda,
disdain for industrialized nations

By I. J. Toby Westerman

Maurice Strong, special adviser to the U.N. secretary-general on reform, recently concluded a visit to Cuba, promising greater cooperation and economic assistance to the communist-ruled island, according to Radio Habana Cuba, the official broadcasting service of the Cuban government.

Maurice Strong, special adviser to the U.N. secretary-general on reform, recently met with Cuban President Fidel Castro

Speaking with Castro and a number of top Cuban officials on a wide variety of topics, including cooperation between Cuban universities and the U.N. University of Peace, Strong also spoke about the upcoming U.N. Millennium Summit in New York, the purpose of which is to discuss the role of the United Nations in the 21st century. 

Both Strong and Castro have voiced similar views on socialism and the future of humanity. Strong, despite having made a fortune in oil and utilities, is a self-described socialist and has earlier stated that for humanity to survive, it may be necessary "for industrial civilization to collapse." 

Castro recently made a similar declaration while addressing a conference of underdeveloped nations in Havana in mid-April. Castro stated that the world's leading industrial nations control a "cruel, unjust, inhuman, and racist" economic system that is "incapable of preserving the human race." 

Strong has close connections with numerous influential leaders in business and government around the world -- including the United States -- and is considered a possibility to fill the post of secretary general of the U.N. when the position again becomes open. 

In addition to his leftist political views, Strong is reputed to be an avid devotee of Gaia, the earth goddess, and is closely involved with the Temple of Understanding in New York. 

Strong's close working relationship with Castro stands in stark contrast to the recent condemnation of Cuba by another United Nations agency -- the U.N. Human Rights Commission, which has found Cuba guilty of continuing serious human rights abuses. 

Along with Strong, there are those who disagree with characterizations of Cuba as abusive. 

"Americans have been very propagandized against communism," said Lisa Valanti, president of the U.S.-Cuban Sister Cities Association, "against certain words that we use toward Cuba (such as) 'communist dictator,' 'anti-democratic' -- all these things which are in fact not real in Cuban life." 

U.S. citizens "know nothing about the reality of Cuban life," Valanti said. 

During an interview with Radio Havana, Valanti stated that the organization exists to "bring the people of one community into contact with people of another community," desiring to make "visible in the U.S. the realities of Cuban life." 

One hundred delegates from the year-old U.S.-Cuban Sister Cities Association began their conference in Havana just as Strong concluded his business and left the island. 

The U.S.-Cuban Sister Cities Association was founded in Pittsburgh in 1999 with three members: Mobile, Ala., Madison, Wis., and Pittsburgh, Pa. All three participating cities had made previous exchange arrangements with Cuba. 

Another 30 to 40 cities have expressed interest in the program. Students, religious leaders and business personnel are involved in the exchange programs. 

Participants in the organization's exchange programs are "seeds" whose ultimate goal is to put their view of Cuba "into political action," and to "impact legislatively," according to Valanti. 

Critics of the Castro regime, however, are not welcome to participate in the organization's activities, Valanti added.




Systems thinking grew out the writings of Alfred North Whitehead. The science of systems thinking is accredited to a man by the name of Ludwig von Bertalanffy and his associates (one of whom is Ervin Laszlo, currently working with the United Nations). The generic term for systems thinking is general systems theory. A bit on Bertalanffy before I go on. Bertalanffy came to the United States from Germany on a Rockefeller grant. He returned to German-occupied Vienna, Austria in 1938. His biology textbooks were used by Hitler. He returned to the United States following WWII.

General systems theory states, simply, that the world is a system of subsystems (also called systems) all interconnected and interdependent to form a wholistic or holistic system; that within any system is an infrastructure that is analogous across systems, irrespective of physical appearance. Stated a bit differently, but to the same effect, is the Gaia hypothesis: the world is a living breathing organisim, irreducible to its parts; that what affects one part, affects all parts; that in the name of saving space-ship Earth, we must change our society. The Gaia hypothesis adds a spiritual dimension to systems thinking.

Systems thinking sees everything as wholistic, with all parts interconnected, interdependent. In the words of Senge, 1990, (The Fifth Discipline; the Art and Practice of a Learning Organization), systems thinking "is the fifth discipline because it is the conceptual cornerstone that underlies all of the five learning disciplines of this book." This discipline is the foundation upon which the other four disciplines function: personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning.

Recognize the terms? The systems thinking model, because of its wholistic nature, is cyclical--a circle or a spiral. The beginning is the end. You start at point A and your destination is point A. Thus it is that mankind can be said to be "creating the future." At point A "you" decide what "you" want the world to look like in x number of years. This is your goal or outcome. Example: the exit outcomes for the school, state, federal: what the child should know and be able to do as a result of his/her educational experience; what the child should look like. Now you align everything you do to achieve point A, the outcome. In this endeavor you align the curriculum, instruction and teaching methodologies to the outcome to ensure that it is reached; the measure of which is the assessment. I call this designing down, aligning back. It is also known as backmapping.

The technical term is a syllogism: a process used by behavioral scientists to bring about planned change. At this point, I shall digress to the philosophy behind systems thinking as it is important to understanding the semantics of systems thinking. Systems thinking sees everything as a system, analogous to all other systems irrespective of physical appearance. All things are equal, whether it be the ecosystem, or mankind--man is no better than animal or nature.

The underlying philosophy here is humanism that maintains that man is devoid of spirituality or self-determinism. It therefore follows that man must be conditioned (the process) to his environment (the outcome or goals), whatever it is decided that environment will be (creating the future). As stated in the Humanist Manifesto II, "…we can discover no divine purpose or providence for the human species. While there is much that we do not know, humans are responsible for what we are or will become.

No deity will save us; we must save ourselves." All the exit outcomes from all the school districts, states, and Goals 2000 are what man must be conditioned to to achieve the perceived environment. That perceived environment is based on "future trends" which, again, is cyclical, deciding what we want the world to look like (in the 21st Century), then back mapping. In this same vein, outcome based education is education based on outcomes--starting at the end and back mapping, ensuring the outcome. In researching "future trends" it becomes very obvious that they are based, not on fact, but on the doomsday prophesies of rabid environmental groups whose religious philosophy is very much humanistic/New Age. More on this later.

Systems thinking, to repeat, sees everything as wholes. It is in this context that appear whole language; the wholistic education system incorporating all services to deal with the whole child--mentally, physically, emotionally; life-role or real-life (wholistic) education; constructivist (hands on) learning (the child reinventing the wheel); integrated curriculum deleting the lines of disciplines; thematic units addressing social or life related issues (wholistic); conflict resolution in pursuit of the collectivist (wholistic) society; peer tutoring; the child centered classroom; individual learning plans; …. Everything done is to achieve the whole, with all systems (everything done to produce the child who will look like the exit outcomes) interconnected and interdependent. 

Humanism is a religion that sees everything as wholistic, the basis of collectivist thought and action; it is the foundation upon which Marx built his philosophy (Marx saw Christianity as a religion of self-alienation, something to be stamped out at all cost). Marx believed the individual mind to be part of the universal mind (the wholistic mind), the collective. He saw the Hegelian dialectic as a process for achieving wholes, of Oneness of Mind through a process of thesis (an idea or proposition), antithesis (the opposite idea or proposition) and synthesis (the bringing together of thesis and antithesis). Synthesis then becomes the new thesis, and through a continuing process, Oneness of Mind theoretically occurs. If you look consensus up in the dictionary, you will discover that it means "solidarity of belief"; continual evolution to oneness of mind. To achieve consensus (wholism), one must give up his/her individual beliefs and conform to the group beliefs--again, oneness of mind. Left to its own devices, however, consensus is uncontrollable. Thus, to control the process, and insure the outcome, facilitators are trained in group dyanmics (how groups function) to ensure the outcome. Again we start at point A and return to point A. In the process, all participants hold the outcome instead of just the facilitator. In the words of one participant, the job of the facilitator is to make everyone in the group think its their idea. 

Because of mulitple parties being involved in consensus, it cannot be rigid except in outcome. In each instance thesis and antithesis come into play, with synthesis as the outcome whether achieved incrementally or in one cycle. Thus it is that there is no right or wrong answer, everything is relative, situational. (This is the why and wherefore, also, of no right answer in the classroom.) Everything is thesis and antithesis, ever evolving in a spiral, whether individual thought or collective thought to the next higher plain. This is, incidentally, the process of attaining "higher order thinking." This is the reason for the teacher as facilitator, the "guide on the side; not the sage on the stage." 

The facilitatiave process is not one that appeals to the cognitive domain; it appeals to the affective domain--how people feel. In achieving consensus, it is not what one knows about a subject that matters, it is how one feels that is important. As so adequately demonstrated by the final evaluation on the Schools for the 21st Century in Washington state, content is "excellence in terms of the change agenda," process is the "destination," the "product," and "what learning is about;" emotionality and affectivity are the means by which content and process will be achieved. If you want to change someones belief system, you do not appeal to what they know, you appeal to what they believe, how they feel about a subject. In a consensus circle, the facilitator sets the stage by appealing to the affective domain of the participants--emotionality is imperative. If they have learned nothing else from sex ed programs and the resulting rise in teen pregnancies, they have learned that appealing to emotionality sets the stage if the intent is for people to compromise their principles. Once the stage has been set, affective is brought into conflict with cognitive, and the individual pushed to conform to the group belief system. Once that has occurred, and individual principles have been compromised, it is very hard for the individual to reclaim his individuality. To do so requires breaking away emotionally from the new "family" and again thinking for oneself The social acceptance within the circle makes this very hard for most people to do--a facet that is counted on. What people learn about each other, intimately, within the circle "of trust" also becomes a coercive factor against anyone who might attempt to break away.

In the classroom, systems thinking plays out in the focus of the classroom. No longer is the focus knowledge. Now the focus is "real-life" or "life-role" education. Everything is set in the context of children "experiencing" real life situations. Thus it is that the focus in the classroom is social or life-related issues taught in the context of unit themes or thematic units, whether it is gender, prejudice, discrimination, the environment, homosexuality, life styles, etc. The primary focus, however, is upon environmentalism, which is why parents are finding a lot of it in the classroom. This environmentalism, is not, in most cases, based on scientifically validated facts, but rather, on the doomsday prophesies of rabid environmentalists with a self-serving agenda--an agenda that plays itself out in such events as the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 and similar more recent events such as that in Japan. The fraudulent claim of global warming is a good example.

Future trends harkens back to a man by the name of Jay W Forester and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (Forester was Peter Senge's mentor for 20 years according to Senge.) In 1972 Forester established a world simulation model known as World 3 for the Club of Rome (one worlders). This was a computer simulation model that, according to inputs, predicted future scenarios. A book was written over the twenty scenarios predicted by the simulation model, called "Limits to Growth" by Donnella Meadows.

None of the predictions have come true, but that's beside the point. It is the doomsday prophesies that "we must change our ways if we are to save spaceship Earth" that dominates the scene. This is also what comes across in the classroom. The purpose is to turn children into political activists for the cause. The same is true for addressing other social or life related issues. This is what Washinton SPI Bergeson meant, in her state of education speech, when she said, "Education beats out fighting crime, holding the line on taxes, creating new jobs, improving access to health care, or protecting the environment. And, by the way, when we achieve our educational goals, all of these problems will be addressed in new and better ways." In his book, "A Strategy for the Future, the Systems Approach to World Order," Laszlo predicted that a more accurate and concise model of World 3 would be forthcoming by the mid-1980's. This, or something similar, is undoubtedly where the predictions of what the world will look like in the 21st Century are coming from. The point that needs to be made here, is that in predicting the future, the future can also be created, starting at point A and return to it. In other words, whatever the "we" want it to look like. What "we" want it to look like is manifesting itself now in the classrooms across America under Goals 2000, STW and the plethora of bills building the system. 

In creating the future, one of the first steps, is to analyze "where we are now" against "where we want to be". This is called a gap analysis. Undoubtedly most have heard this term. The gap analysis become the foundation of the change strategy--what "we" need to do to move people from "where they are now" to where "we want them to be"--from "here" to "there". The facilitative process then becomes the bridge between "here" and "there" whether in the classroom or in the community. This is why facilitators are used in the whole of the process, whether in the classroom or in establishing the mission and vision statements and the exit outcomes.

Once the cyclical process is put in motion, theoretically it will envelope the whole community at some point--except for holdouts like me. The success of systems thinking, however, is contigent on it encompassing everyone--all. Because not everyone can be so controlled, the necessity comes eventually, in the interests of the system, to invoke tyrannical means of achieving and maintaining compliance. This is why, in the USSR, dissidents were labeled "mentally ill" and incarcerated.

What is being achieved in America today is known as transformational Marxism, meaning that whereas it was achieved through revolution in Russia, and attempted in Germany under Hitler and Italy under Mussolini, it is being achieved through gradualism in the United States. This is where the term transformational comes into play, especially in the third stage of OBE known as transformational outcome based education wherein social and life related issues become the primary focus of the classroom with knowledge only incorporated as it is used and applied.

Systems thinking is the method of achieving and maintaining a planned economy, in which every facet is carefully monitored and carefully controlled, including the human factor. Accountability, under systems thinking, is the gathering and analysis of statistically data to measure evolution to outcomes. Thus the establishment of huge data banks housing personally identifiable information on every man, woman, and child.   Coercion becomes a definite factor in achieving the desired outcome--whether it is determined that the parent, teacher or child is the problem.

This is not in Global Governance, but Lynn helps put the entire process into perspective.  I am truly grateful for those who share their understanding with the rest of us.

Remember who to thank in your community for bringing you into conformity with these goals.




Gorbachev Foundation

Gorbachev (now resides in the U.S. at our former Naval Base, the Presidio)

Gorbachev to Politburo in November, 1987:

"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about Glasnost and Prestroika and democracy in the coming years.  They are primarily for outward consumption.  There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes.   Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep." eco-logic "In Their Own Words"

Maurice Strong

Owns 63,000 acre Colorado ranch called Baca Grande which is home to Disciples of the XVI Gyalwa Karmapa (Tibetan Buddhism). Disciples of Babaji, and Indian Gury, celebrate Hindu rituals in a $174,00 solar powered, gold domed, adobe temple with an alabaster statue of Murti, the Divine Mother, built by the Lindisfarne Fellowship.  A Temple for Surfis.  A Temple for Taoists.  Strong and wife Hanne see Baca Grande as the "Vatican City" of the new world order. Wanted to build  a 46 story pink granite pyramid in compliance with instructions received from an intergalactic leader named Commander Kuthumi who was channeling  from the planet Arturus.  eco-logic, November/December, 1995

Frequent speaker at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine/Secretary General of the first Earth Summit in 1972/first Director of the UNEnvironment Programme/Secretary-General of the Earth Summit II in Rio in 1992/founder of the Earth Council/Chair of the Business Council for Sustainable Development/ co-chair of the World Economic Forum/ member of the UN's Brundtland Commission on Environment and Development/UN funded Committee on Global Governance/Lindisfarne Felowship/Socialist Party of Canada/ NATIONAL RELIGIOUS PARTNERSHIP FOR THE ENVIRONMENT


Maurice Strong is on the front of National Review's September, 1997, edition. 




Joy Elmer Morgan

"...certain world agencies of administration such as: a police force; a board of education..." (1942)

In 1943 the Conference of Allied Ministers of Education called for a United Nations Bureau of Education.  UNESCO became the Board of Education for the World.

The Aspen Institute

The Esalen Institute

Senator Timothy Wirth (Senator, 1990, now Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs:  "We've got to ride the global warming issue.   Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing, in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."

Richard Benedick, an employee for the State Department: "A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the green house effect."

Dr. Stephen Schneider: "We have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we may have.  Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest."




Convention on Biological Diversity :seeks to convert half of North America to core wilderness areas off limits to human beings

President's Council on Sustainable Development- sets forth a Plan of Action to transform cities and towns into "sustainable communities in conformance with the UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)

UN's Vienna Convention on Ozone Depleting Susbstances/Montreal Protocol- banned CFC's in America

UN's Framework Convention on Climate Change:  increase cost and reduce availability of electricity, gasoline, and all fossil-fuel-generated energy

UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women--grants the "right to housing" to all women in the world

UN Food and Agriculture Organization--would grant the "right to a full stomach to every citizen on earth.  Developed nations are expected to pay the costs of feeding people in developing nations.




Key Players Control World Money Supply

By John M. Berry

Washington Post Staff Writer

Sunday, June 28, 1998; Page H01

BASEL, Switzerland - Ten times a year, the financial barons who control the world's supply of money gather here on the bank of the Rhine River for drinks and dinner - and secret conversations that can shape the course of the global economy.

The 13 members of this economic cabal meet on the glass-walled 18th floor of the round headquarters tower of an obscure institution known as the Bank for International Settlements. From their seats at the conference table, they can look across the city and the river to Germany's Black Forest or farther west to French Alps on the horizon.

As they arrive and greet one another by their first names, waiters hover with drinks - they know each one's favorite. For privacy and candor, no staff members are present, only the principals and occasionally a guest, such as Michel Camdessus, managing director of the International Monetary Fund.

The members of this secretive group are the governors of the central banks of the Group of 10 industrial nations, plus Switzerland. The most powerful voice in the room is the U.S. representative - Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan or, if he can't attend, Vice Chairman Alice M. Rivlin.

As befits its power, the United States alone has a second seat at the table, occupied by William J. McDonough, president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The 13th participant is the BIS's general manager, Andrew Crockett, a former Bank of England official.

This is how global finance does its most sensitive business, in these quiet Sunday-night meetings. The central bankers talk informally - with no agenda other than what is on their minds. The financial intelligence that emerges from these meetings - and perhaps more important, the personal trust - helps keep the international banking system steady in turbulent times, such as the financial crisis that has swept Asia over the past year. Roots in a War

But what, exactly, is the strangely named organization that hosts this secret conclave?

The BIS was established in 1930 to assist in the payments of reparations owed by Germany and other losers in World War I to the victors. Over the years it has become a central bank for central banks. It has also emerged as a clearinghouse for regulators - helping them supervise commercial banks, oversee foreign exchange markets and protect the world financial system.

Topic A on recent Sunday nights, of course, has been the financial crisis in Japan and other Asian nations. The 13 participants have discussed how to ease the Asian crisis and limit its impact on the rest of the world.

The group has focused, in particular, on ensuring that the crisis doesn't threaten the world's intricate system of settling international transactions. A collapse of that payments system, as it's known, is a central banker's ultimate nightmare.

Partly in response to the Asian crisis and partly to broaden its role beyond its European base, the BIS will open a satellite office in Hong Kong on July 10. The following day, the central bank governors will hold a regular monthly dinner outside Basel for the first time - in Tokyo.

If the meeting room in Basel could speak, it would tell a history of global monetary policy. It was at one of the dinners in 1982 that then-Fed chairman Paul A. Volcker twisted arms - one source said "browbeat" -the other governors to come up with money and other actions to help limit the economic damage from that year's default by Mexico and later by other Latin America nations on their governments' debt owed to foreign banks.

Mexico was the topic once again in late 1994 when the United States led a $50 billion bailout that involved money from the IMF, the United States and other countries and, as a backup, $10 billion from the BIS. That was an unusually contentious meeting because European central bank governors, including the powerful head of Germany's Bundesbank, Hans Tietmeyer, opposed the bailout on the grounds that it was unnecessary and a bad precedent.

At one critical dinner, recalls former Fed vice chairman Alan Blinder, "we took a lot of heat about Mexico. We were lucky that Camdessus was there. He was a lightning rod. The others were mad at the United States, but more so at the IMF." In the end, the United States got its way. "By central bank standards, the talk is amazingly frank because there is no audience," said Blinder, now an economics professor at Princeton University. "There is this old clich about 'full and frank' discussions among diplomats. That means they were stiff and didn't say anything.

In this case, it really is frank. There is no gallery to play to. . . .You know, central bankers cooperate across national borders better than governments do, and I think this is one of the reasons."

Another glimpse of the secretive group comes from E. Gerald Corrigan, a managing director at Goldman Sachs & Co. As president at the New York Fed from 1984 to 1993, Corrigan attended 115 consecutive monthly meetings at the BIS.

With everyone at one table and "no staff, no agenda, no records and no communiqu . . marvelous personal relationships developed," Corrigan recalls. "The consequence of that was that when something went wrong, working with these people was just so easy because of the trust developed by the frequency and the intimacy of the dinners. To me, that's the genius of the organization."

During Corrigan's time, plenty did go wrong - particularly with the world's banks. The Japanese bubble was expanding toward the bursting point, which eventually sent Japanese banks into a downward spiral from which they still haven't recovered. The U.S. stock market crashed in October 1987, sending shock waves around the world. Foreign exchange crises were so frequent they are now barely remembered. Adding to the disarray was the view of the leading U.S. banker, Citicorp Chairman Walter Wriston, that large banks with diversified portfolios didn't need much capital.

During those raucous years, financial institutions around the world were disregarding what Corrigan calls "prudential standards." The banks were lending like crazy, often in other countries where the bankers didn't understand the risks, and national bank regulators were not cracking down.

With Volcker taking the lead, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, a BIS group, began trying to draft a new set of international standards for bank capital - that is, the amount of reserves institutions must have relative to the amount of loans they have on the books. Corrigan recalls that the Basel Committee wasn't getting anywhere until the Fed and the Bank of England found that they had separately come up with similar approaches.

When the details were announced in January 1986, "instead of everybody getting mad at us, it became a rallying point," Corrigan said. "The next big obstacle was getting the Japanese on board. The big issue there was to what extent the standards would allow the Japanese banks to count their unrealized capital gains on stocks as part of the capital."

An allowance was duly made for the Japanese, and Corrigan said, "I thought at the time it would come back to haunt them." As indeed it has.

What analysts describe as the current "death spiral" of Japanese banks stems partly from the fact that every time the Japanese stock market falls, it reduces the amount of bank capital. That, in turn, makes it harder for Japanese banks to make new loans, which in turn limits economic growth - plunging the country deeper into economic crisis.

Central bank staffers, too, use the BIS for bonding. As a result of their regular meetings here, senior members of the governors' staffs have developed a network of their own that can be activated in a crisis.

Edwin M. "Ted" Truman, director of the Fed's international finance division, used that network last December, when there was a high risk that major South Korean banks would default on repayment of short-term debt owed to banks in Europe, Japan, Australia and the United States. Truman set up daily conference calls with his counterparts in all the home countries of the lending banks.

In the daily calls, Truman and the other central bank staffers shared information about their lending banks' situations. The exposure of the banks varied greatly, and it was proving difficult to get an agreement that the banks would roll over the loans and extend their maturity. The conversations helped move the negotiations forward, and the rollovers took place in January.

"This is a small illustration of the process," Truman said. "It's a sort of club, I guess . . . dealing with people we know."

The BIS also has some formal committees handling arcane banking matters.

Its Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems has been promoting better risk management by banks, better ways to settle transactions involving multiple currencies and better domestic payment systems. The Euro-Currency Standing Committee is studying how to reduce the vulnerability of the world financial system in the wake of the Asian crisis. And the Gold and Foreign Exchange Committee oversees world currency markets and is the only source of data on the size and transactions in that huge market.

Of course, the G-10 governors don't have to come to the BIS to have dinner together. In fact, most years when the IMF and World Bank annual meetings are in Washington in September, there is no monthly meeting here, and Greenspan plays host at the Fed.

A Bigger Board

Historically, the BIS has been essentially a European institution with U.S. participation. In July 1994, however, the governors of the central banks of Canada and Japan were added to its board. More recently, nine additional nations outside Europe - Brazil, Mexico, Russia, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, India and Saudi Arabia - became members, bringing the total to 41.

Almost 100 nations had representatives at the BIS annual meeting earlier this month, including central bankers from member nations and from those that do business with the bank. Similarly, at the monthly meetings, there is a well-attended session Monday afternoon on central banking topics, which is open to any central banker.

Rivlin, the Fed vice chairman, says those wider afternoon sessions are valuable. "They are interesting," she said, "and I learn a lot."

During the annual meeting this month, Julian Francis, the governor of the central bank of the Bahamas, said his institution - like many others from smaller nations - relies on the BIS for technical assistance in banking supervision, payments and settlements, and banking technology. The BIS

has also helped in training some of his bank's employees. "We find it very useful," Francis said.

As a bank, the BIS has deposits of about $112 billion, some of which is in gold. The funds are invested with commercial banks and in securities, but central bank depositors can withdraw them at any time. Smaller central banks use the BIS both as a convenient way to invest their reserves and to keep secret the way in which they are managing the money. Even the Fed has some reserves on deposit here. Last year the BIS made roughly $500 million on its banking activities.

In some cases, BIS officials take great pains to make sure that orders to pay money out of the accounts of central banks in countries run by corrupt governments are related to the central bank's activities, rather than just the needs of some powerful official moving cash into his own secret account.

All but 16 percent of the BIS shares are owned by its member central banks. The remainder are in private hands, as the result of the United States's failure in 1930 to pay for its shares; they were instead acquired by a group of American banks, which later sold them, mostly to individuals in Europe. Some of the French and Belgian shares went the same way.

Even though the United States was included in the BIS from the beginning, the Fed's two seats on the board weren't filled until four years ago.

Initially the United States objected to the BIS mission of facilitating payment of German reparations. At the peace conference that followed World War I, the United States had opposed such payments.

At various points between 1930 and 1994, U.S. officials considered taking the board seats but a number of problems arose - such as the BIS membership of some communist nations in Eastern Europe - though not Russia, which has never been a member - and South Africa. With the end of the Cold War and of apartheid in South Africa, those barriers were gone.

"The BIS . . . is now too valuable to the Federal Reserve in carrying out its statutory responsibilities for the [Fed] not to be a full participant

in BIS institutional deliberations," Greenspan told Congress in explaining why the United States was finally joining the BIS board.

Two Big Issues

For the BIS staff, two big technical issues lie ahead: 

The first is how to deal with the advent of the European Central Bank, which will open its doors this week as part of the creation of the Euro to replace the currencies of 11 European countries. The ECB will take over virtually all of the monetary policy responsibilities of the Bank of France, the Bundesbank and their counterparts, though not those of the Bank of England, which is not adopting the Euro immediately. Obviously, the head of the ECB, Willem F. Duisenberg, former head of the Dutch central bank, will be added to the Sunday dinner list. But what of the others, whose power will have been greatly diminished?

The second issue is whether to keep expanding BIS membership by including such nations as Malaysia, Argentina, Indonesia and Thailand - and in the process expand the bank's role in developing nations.

Meanwhile, BIS chief Crockett hopes to make this city on the Rhine the center of information, advice and cooperation on international financial supervision. The secretariat of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is here, as is the headquarters of the International Association of Insurance Supervisors. Crockett is hoping to persuade the organization of investment bank supervisors, which is located in Montreal, to move as well.

The BIS set up shop in Basel originally in 1930 because it was about a day's train ride for the European central bankers. Now the institution has to decide just how far it will travel from its Swiss home to fulfill it: role as guardian of global finance.

A9 Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company

President Abraham Lincoln warned us of these dangerous International bankers when he said "The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace & conspires against it in times of war. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who even question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me & the financial institutions at the rear, the latter is my greatest foe."

President James A. Madison warned "History shows that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain control over governments by controlling the money and the issuance of it."

President Thomas Jefferson once said "I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid posterity under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale" and "The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution. I am an enemy to all banks, discounting bills or notes for anything but coin. If the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent that their fathers conquered."

Thomas Jefferson was prophetic when he spoke these words. America is now mortgaged to the hilt and when it all collapses, the International Bankers will end up owning everything. They gave us paper "money" and we gave them everything, our labor, our inventions, our land and our possessions. If we do not stop this crime from continuing we will end up very much like serfs from the middle ages who had to rent land from the Land-Lords.



The following list was provided by Beth Ann.  Check out the source for accuracy.

SUBJECT: Membership lists of "American Citizens" (rather loosely) who are members of the organizations known as CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and Trilateral Commission. A few of them may also be permanent members of the Bilderberg Group out of Europe. 

1. The following groups were created (going by memory on this one) in about:

Council on Foreign Relations 1930

Bilderberg Group 1952


Bilderberg - 'summit' opens in Sintra under massive security
(Click here for current list of participants)


A massive security operation was launched in Sintra on Wednesday, in preparation for the 
arrival of some of the world's most powerful people. A special unit from the PJ (Judicial Police)
was reported to be sweeping Penha Longa for listening devices late Wednesday. A film crew
from the UK's Channel 4 were being trailed by a team of plain clothes police and security men 
after they attempted to film inside the hotel on Tuesday afternoon. Veteran Washington reporter 
and Bilderberg specialist Jim Tucker, a regular and unwelcome visitor at Bilderberg conferences
since 1980, is also under constant surveillance. He told The News that he was spotted near
the hotel by the Bilderberg security team. Since the Bilderberg meeting was first revealed by 
The News on May 1, scooping the world's media, the internet site of The News has been 
experiencing unprecedented international interest. In the last four days the site has accumulated 
over 368,000 hits, being linked to some of the largest media sites on the net. Only on Wednesday
did the Portuguese media start to comment on the upcoming 'summit' in Sintra, despite the fact
that the Portuguese press agency LUSA had alerted them to the story in The News four weeks 
ago. Much of the information now being published is relying heavily on The News reporting of this
event over its last five issues. Guests confirmed by the Bilderberg Meeting to The News on Thursday
morning included in alphabetical order; Pinto Balsem
 Conrad Black, Kenneth Clarke, Jobr> Cravinho, Paulo Fresco, Mar Grilo, Richard Holbrooke, Henry Kissinger, Peter Mandelson, 
Vasco de Mello, Murteira Nabo, Her Majesty Queen of the Netherlands, David Oddsson, 
David Rockefeller, Richardo Salgado, President Jorge Sampaio, Rudolf Scharping. 


The Bilderberg wall of silence suffered substantial damage this week. The Edinburgh based 
Sunday Herald, WorldNetDaily and the famous Drudge Report all commented on the rendezvous
of world leaders currently taking place in Sintra.

The Scottish Sunday Herald published the story (May 30) and the internationally-respected 
WorldNetDaily led with the agenda linking directly to The News site. The Portuguese national
radio station, RFM, reported on Wednesday the expected presence of Bill Clinton who, they
reported, would be unaccounted for over this weekend. 

The Sunday Herald said in its article: "Every year the international media competes to be the
first to reveal the location and agenda for the conference". The Herald continued by saying:
"The winner of the Bilderberg scoop this year was a Portuguese newspaper, The News, which
boasts that it is the country's largest-circulation English language newspaper. It has published
the location and the detailed agenda of the conference". 

Pblico refers to a "Lusa News Agency alert" quoting a newspaper, 'The News'.

The BBC Worldwide Monitoring Service this week printed a text of a report by the Yugoslav 
News Agency, Tanjug, which said the plan to bring about a Balkan Vietnam was drawn up 
secretly back in 1996 and reactivated at a meeting of the Bilderberg Group held in Scotland 
last year, citing the May 27 edition of the Yugoslav newspaper "Vojska".

Vojska said that a thorough investigation conducted by independent US journalists had 
disclosed that the group members included David Rockefeller, Giovanni Agnelli, Helmut Kohl, 
Lord Peter Carrington, Queen Sophia of Spain, Valery Giscard D'Estaing, Baron Rothschild, 
Margaret Thatcher, Lord Robert Owen and Henry Kissinger. The newspaper claimed that US
journalists had disclosed that the Bilderberg Group had in fact made plans for the "third
Balkan war" in this century.

Under the plan, drawn up at a session chaired by Lord Carrington, the first move was to be to
try and arrest "war criminals from among the Serbs" with extensive help of the Hague tribunal, 
set up for that very purpose. The move was to provoke a stormy reaction by Serbs, which was
to be used as a pretext for a military intervention.

However, developments prevented the idea from being translated into practice, which required
a reserve variant - the fanning of interethnic conflicts in Kosovo-Metohija.

All indications are that a group is now going back to the original variant, the outcome of which
is the indicting of Yugoslav officials by the Hague tribunal, said the newspaper.

According to the same scenario, Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Russia and Turkey
are to be drawn into the war, in addition to Yugoslavia, with Nato adding fuel to the fire.

In yet another 'extraordinary coincidence' one of the items on the Bilderberg agenda for this
weekend (as revealed to The News by Canadian based researcher John Whitley) is the formation 
of a Western European Army which is high on the agenda of the meeting of European leaders in 
Cologne on Thursday.

Stop press: As we went to press on Thursday we received the official press release from the 
Bilderberg Meeting. It said: "The 47th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Sintra Portugal June 3
to 6 to discuss the Atlantic Relationship in a Time of Change. Among others the conference 
will discuss NATO, Genetics, Emerging Markets, The New Economy, European Politics, 
US Politics, International Financial Architecture, Russia. Approximately 120 participants 
from North America and Europe will attend the discussions. The meeting is private in order 
to encourage frank and open discussion.

"What is unique about the about Bilderberg as a forum is the broad cross-section of leading 
citizens that are assembled for nearly three days of informal and off-the-record discussion 
about topics of current concern especially in the fields of foreign affairs and the international
economy; the strong feeling among participants that in view of the differing attitudes and 
experiences of the Western nations, there remains a clear need to further develop an 
understanding in which these concerns can be accommodated; the privacy of the meetings, 
which has no purpose other than to allow participants to speak their minds open and freely. 
In short, Bilderberg is a small, flexible, informal, off-the-record international forum in which 
different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.

"Bilderberg's only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, no resolutions are proposed,
no votes taken, and no policy statements issued. Since 1954, forty-six conferences have been 
held. The names of the participants as well as the agenda are made available to the press. 
Participants are chosen for their experience, knowledge, and their standing; all participants 
attend Bilderberg in a private and not an official capacity.

"There usually are about 120 participants of whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the 
balance from North America. About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds 
from finance, industry, labor, education, communications.

"Participants have agreed not to give interviews to the press during the meeting. In contacts with 
the news media after the conference it is an established rule that no attribution should be made 
to individual participants of what was discussed during the meeting.

From the Front Page, Portugal's Weekend newspaper in English, June 6, 1999




Bilderberg meetings

Current List of Participants, Hotel Caesar Park Penha Longa, Sintra, Portugal

June 3-6, 1999

Honorary Secretary General - Honorary Chairman, Halberstadt Victor - Davignon, Etienne, Professor of Economics, Leiden University, Chairman, Soci Grale de Belgique.

I - Agnelli, Umberto - Chairman, IFIL - Fianziaria di Partecipazioni S.p.A.

E - Aguirre y Gil de Biedma, Esperanza - President of the Spanish Senate

USA - Allaire, Paul A. - Chairman, Xerox Corporation.

P - Amaral, Joaquim Freitas do Amaral - Member of Parliament.

S - Aslund, Anders - Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

P - Balsem Francisco Pinto - Professor os Communication Science, New University; Chairman, Impresa, S.G.P.S. 

S - Barnevik, Percy -Chairman, Investo AB.

USA - Bayh, Evan - Senator (D. Indiana).

I - Bernabranco - Managing Director and CEO, Telecom Italia.

S - Bildt, Carl - Member of Parliament.

CDN - Black, Conrad M. Chairman, Telegraph Group Limited.

F - Boucher, Eric Le - Chief Editor, International, Le Monde.

USA - Boyd, Charles G. - Executive Director, National Security Study Group.

CDN - Chastelain, John A.D. de - Chairman, Independent International Commission on Decommissioning.

GB - Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament.

N - Clemet, Kristin - Deputy Director General, Confederation of Business and Industry.

F - Collom, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge.

USA - Corzine, Jon S. - retired Senior Partner, Goldman Sachs & Co.

P - Cravinho, JoCardona G. - Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Territorial Administration.

GR - David, George A. - Chairman of the Board, Hellenic Bottling Company S.A.

USA - Dodd, Chistopher J. - Senator (D. Connecticut).

USA - Donilon, Thomas E. - Attorney-at-Law, O'Melveney & Meyers.

TR - Er, Gazi - Governor, Central Bank of Turkey.

TR - Ergin, Sedat - Ankara Bureau Chief, Hrriyet.

USA - Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, National Bureau of Economic Research.

INT - Fischer, Stanley - First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund.

I - Fresco, Paolo - Chairman, Fiat S.p.A.

I - Giavazzi, Francesco - Professor of Economics, Bocconi University, Milan.

CDN - Godsoe, Peter C. - Chairman and CEO, Bank of Nova Scotia.

USA - Graham, Donald E. - Publisher, The Washington Post.

NL - Grave, Frank H.G. de - Minister of Defense.

P - Grilo, Eduardo C. Mar - Miniter of Education.

USA - Hagel, Chuck - Senator (R. Nebraska)

S - Hedelius, Tom C. - Chairman, Svenska Handelsbanken.

Status 3 June 1999

N - Hegge, Per Egil - Editor, Aftenposten.

CDN - Herrndorf, Peter A. - Former Chairman and CEO, TV Ontario; Senior Visiting Fellow, University of Toronto.

USA - Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor, The Washington Post.

N - H��, Westye - Chairman of the Board, Leif H�� & Co. SAS; Former President, Norwegian Shipowners' Association.

USA - Holbrooke, Richard C. - Ambassador to the UN designate.

B - Huyghebaert, Jan - Chairman, Almanij N.V.

D - Ischinger, Wolfgand - State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

INT - Issing, Otmar - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank.

USA - Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Senior Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP (Attorneys-at-Law).

BG - Kamov, Nikolai - Member of Parliament.

TR - KiraSuna - Vice-Chairman of the Board, Koolding A.S.

USA - Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.

D - Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank A.G.

GR - Kranidiotis, Yannos . Alternate Minister for Foreign Affairs.

USA - Kravis, Marie-Jos- Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute, Inc.

USA - Leschly, Jan - CEO, Smith Kline Beecham p.l.c.

INT - Liikanen, Erkki - Member of the EC.

CDN - MacLaren, Roy - High Commissioner for Canada in Britain.

CDN - MacMillan, Margaret O. - Editor, International Journal.

GB - Mandelson, Peter - Member of Parliament.

USA - Mathews Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

USA - McDonough, William J. - President Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

USA - McGinn, Richard A. - Chairman and CEO, Lucent Technologies.

P - Mello, Vasco de - Vice Chairman and CEO, Grupo Jose Mello.

F - Mestrallet, Grd - Chairman of the Executive Board and CEO, Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux

UKR - Mityukov, Ihor - Minister of Finance.

F - Mo, Dominique - Deputy Director, IFRI.

INT - Monti, Mario - Commissioner of the EC.

P - Nabo, Francisco Murteira - President and CEO, Portugal Telecom.

D - Nass, Mathias - Deputy Editor, Die Zeit.

NL - Netherlands, Her Majesty the Queen of the.

ICE - Oddsson, David - Prime Minister.

PL - Olechowski, Andrzej - Chairman Central Europe Trust.

FIN - Ollila, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation.

INT - Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank.

D - Perger, Werner A. - Political Correspondent, Die Zeit.

GB - Porrit, Jonathon - Programme Director, Forum for the Future.

I - Profumo, Alessandro - CEO, Credito Italiano.

CH - Pury, David de - Chairman, de Pury Pictet Turretini & Co. Ltd.

A - Randa, Gerhard - CEO and Chairman, Bank Austria AG.

USA - Rattner, Steven - Deputy Executive, Lazard Freres & Co., LLC

USA - Richardson, Bill - Secretary of Energy.

USA - Rockefeller, David - Chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee.

E - Rodriguez Inciarte, Matias - Executive Vice Chairman, BSCH.

S - Rojas, Mauricio - Associate Professor of Economic History, Lund University; Director of Timbro's Centre for Welfare Reform.

Status 3 June 1999

GB - Roll, Eric - Senior Adviser, Warburg Dillon Read.

S - Rosengren, Bj��- Minister for Industry, Employment and Communication.

P - Salgado, Ricardo E.S. - President and CEO, Grupo Esp�to Santo.

P - Sampaio, Jorge - President of Portugal.

P - Santos, Nicolau - Editor-in-Chief, Expresso.

D - Scharping, Rudolf - Minister of Defence

NL - Scheepbouwer, Ad J. - Chairman and CEO, TNT Post Group.

A - Schenz, Richard - CEO and Chairman of the Board, OMV AG

A - Scholten, Rudolf - Member of the Board of Executive Directors, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG.

D - Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler Chrysler AG.

DK - Seidenfaden, Toger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken

USA - Shapiro, Robert B. - Chairman and CEO, Monsanto Company.

RUS - Shevtsova, Lilia - Carnegie Moscow Center.

P - Silva, Artur Santos - President and CEO, BPI Group.

E - Solbes Mira, Pedro - Member of Parliament, Socialist Party.

H - Suri, Gy+orgy - President, National Bank of Hungary.

GB - Taylor, J. Martin - Formerly Chief Executive, Barclays PLC.

USA - Thoman, G. Richard - President and CEO, Xerox Corporation.

USA - Thornton, John L. - President and co-COO, Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

RUS - Trenin, Dmitri V. - Deputy Director, Carnegie Moscow Center.

F - Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France.

USA - Tyson, Laura d'Andrea - Dean, Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley.

FIN - Vanhala, Matti - Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland.

FIN - Vartia, Pentti - Managing Director, Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA).

CH - Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG.

GR - Veremis, Thanos M. - Professor of Political History, University of Athens; President of Eliamep.

A - Vranitzky, Franz - Former Federal Chancellor.

NL - Waal, Lodewjk J. de - Chairman, Dutch Confederation of Trade Unions (FNV).

GB - Wolf, Martin - Associate Editor and Economics Commentator, The Finantial Times.

INT/US - Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The World Bank.

D - Wolff von Amerongen, Otto - Chairmand and CEO of Otto Wolff GmbH.

TR - Ycaoglu, Erkut - Chairman, Tusiad.

CZ - Zantovsky, Michael - Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Secutiry, Czech Senate.

A - Zimmermann, Norbert - Chairman, Berndorf AG.


GB - Micklethwait, R. John - Business Editor, The Economist.



Trilateral Commission 1972

David Rockefeller is at the top of the pyramid for all groups. William J. Clinton also has the distinction of being involoved with all three elite groups. Both David Rockefeller and the Clintons are avowed NWO/Socialists. David Rockefeller was instrumental in setting up the UN on property the Rockefeller's donated in New York. 

2. Here is the current list of "special persons" who can "help guide our nation's destiny and the world". Uhumm....

 Roster of Prominent CFR/Trilateral Commission Members Members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission dominate key positions in America's government, military, industries, media outlets and educational foundations and institutions. 


The following is a partial list of current CFR members and the positions of influence they hold in society. The CFR's  membership is limited to 3,000, and there are only 325 Trilateral Commission members. 

This list was supplied by F.R.E.E. (Fund to Restore an Educated Electorate) and is non-copyrighted educational material. It may be reprinted and reproduced in newspapers, newsletters, books and magazines. 

Bulk quantities may be obtained from F.R.E.E. 

100 copies shipped postpaid for a contribution of $25.00 

50 copies for $15 

Fund To Restore An Educated Electorate 

P.O. Box 33339 

Kerrville, Tx. 78029 



CFR = Member of the Council on Foreign Relations 

TC = Member of the Trilateral Commission 

BB = Member of the Elite Bilderbergs 



David Rockefeller, Chairman Emeritus 

Peter G. Peterson, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations 

58 E. 68th St. New

York, NY 10021 

Phone (212) 734-0400 

Fax (212) 861-1789 

Paul Volker, North American Chairman of the Trilateral Commission 

345 E. 46 St. New York, NY 10017 

Phone (212) 661-1180 

President of the United States of America 

William Clinton -- CFR, TC, BB 

Asst. Sec. for Administration, United Nations 

Dick Thornburgh -- CFR 

National Security Advisor 

Anthony Lake -- CFR 

Vice President of the United States of America 

Albert Gore, Jr. -- CFR 

Secretary Of State 

Warren Christopher -- CFR 

Secretary Of Defense 

Lee Aspin -- CFR 

Chairman Joint Chiefs Of Staff 

Colin L. Powell -- CFR 

Director Central Intelligence Agency 

James Woolsey -- CFR 

Chairman, Council of Economics Advisors 

Laura Tyson -- CFR 

Treasury Secretary 

Lloyd Bentsen -- Former CFR, BB 

Secretary of Interior 

Bruce Babbitt -- CFR 

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 

Henry Cisneros -- CFR 

Secretary of Health & Human Services 

Donna Shalala -- CFR, TC 


Sandra Day O'Connor, Assoc. Justice, U.S. Supreme Court -- CFR 

Steve G. Breyer, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit,

Boston -- CFR 

Ruth B. Ginsburg, U.S. Court Of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit -- CFR 

Laurence H. Silberman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Wash., DC Circuit -- CFR



John Norton Moore, Chairman -- CFR 

Elspeth Davies Rostow, Vice Chairman -- CFR 

Samuel W. Lewis, President -- CFR 

John Richardson, Counselor -- CFR 

David Little, Senior Scholar -- CFR 

William R. Kintner, Director -- CFR 

W. Scott Thompson, Director -- CFR 


Gary R. Edson, Chief of Staff & Counselor -- CFR 

Joshua Bolten, General Counsel -- CFR 

Daniel M. Price, Dep. General Counsel -- CFR 


Roger Altman, Deputy Sec. -- CFR 

Robert R. Glauber, Under Sec., Finance -- CFR 

David C. Mulford, Under Sec., Intntl Affairs -- CFR 

Robert M. Bestani, Dep Asst Sec., Intntl. Monetary Affairs -- CFR 

J. French Hill, Dep. Asst. Sec., Corp Finance -- CFR 

John M. Niehuss, Dep. Asst. Sec., Intntl. Monetary Affairs -- CFR 


Joshua Lederberg, V. Chmn Adv. Counc. -- CFR 

John H. Gibbons, Director -- CFR 

Lewis M. Branscomb, Adv. Council -- CFR 


James M. Strock, Asst. Adm., Enforcement And Compliance -- CFR 


Leonard H. Robinson, Jr., President -- CFR 


George Stephanopoulos, Director, Communications -- CFR 

Willian J. Crowe, Chief Foreign Intelligence Advisory Bd. -- CFR 

Nancy Soderberg, Staff Director, National Secuity Council -- CFR 

Samuel R. Berger, Deputy Advisor, National Security -- CFR 

W. Bowman Cutter, Deputy Assistant, National Economic Council -- CFR 


Alice Rivlin, Deputy Director -- CFR 


John D. Macomber, President & Chairman -- CFR

Eugene K. Lawson, 1st VP & Vice Chairman -- CFR 

Rita M. Rodriguez, Director -- CFR 

Hart Fessenden, General Council -- CFR 


William R. Graham, Jr., Science Advisor to President & Director -- CFR



James H. Billington, Librarian, Chmn. Trust Fund Board -- CFR 

Ruth Ann Stewart, Asst. Librarian National Programs -- CFR 


Frank H. T. Rhodes, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR 

James B. Holderman, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR 

D. Allen Bromley, Bd. Of Directors -- CFR 


Thomas Graham, Jr., General Council -- CFR 

William Schneier, Chmn., General Advisory Council -- CFR 

Richard Burt, Negotiator On Strategic Defense Arms -- CFR 

David Smith, Negotiator, Defense & Space -- CFR 


William W. Schwarzer, Director -- CFR 


Madeleine Albright, UN Amabassador -- CFR 

Clifton Wharton, Jr., Deputy Sec. -- CFR 

Lynn Davis, Under Sec. for International Security Affairs -- CFR, TC 

Brandon H. Grove, Dir. of Foreign Service Institute -- CFR 

H. Allen Holms, Asst. Sec., Bureau Of Politico-Military Affairs -- CFR

John H. Kelly, Asst. Sec., Near East-South Asian Affairs -- CFR 

Alexander F. Watson, Deputy Rep., United Nations -- CFR 

Jonathan Moore, UN Mission -- CFR 

Joseph Verner Reed, Chief of Protocol -- CFR 

Dennis B. Ross, Director, Policy Planning Staff -- CFR 

Edward Perkins, Dir. of Personnel -- CFR 

Abraham David Sofaer, Legal Advisor -- CFR 

Peter Tanoff, Under Sec. for Political Affairs -- CFR, TC 

Brian Atwood, Under Sec. For Management -- CFR 

Joan E. Spero, Under Sec. Eco. & Ag. Affairs -- CFR 

George E. Moose, Asst. Sec. African Affairs -- CFR 

Winston Lord, Asst. Sec., East Asian & Pacific Affairs -- CFR, TC 

Stephen A. Oxman, Asst. Sec., European Affairs -- CFR 

Timothy E. Wirth, Counselor -- CFR 


Strobe Talbott (Special Advisor For CIS) -- CFR 

Thomas R. Pickering (Russia) -- CFR 

Morton I. Abramowitz (Turkey) -- CFR 

Michael H. Armacost (Japan) -- CFR 

Shirly Temple Black (Czechoslovakia) -- CFR 

Julia Chang Bloch (Nepal) -- CFR 

Henry E. Catto, Jr. (Great Britain) -- CFR 

Frances Cook (Camaroon) -- CFR 

Edward P. Djerejian (Syria) -- CFR 

Geoge E. Moose (Senegal) -- CFR 

John D. Negroponte (Mexico) -- CFR 

Edward N. Ney (Canada) -- CFR 

Robert B. Oakley (Pakistan) -- CFR 

Robert H. Pelletreau, Jr. (Tunisia) -- CFR 

Christopher H. Phillips (Brunei) -- CFR 

Nicholas Platt (Phillipines) -- CFR 

James W. Spain (Maldives & Sri Lanka) -- CFR 

Terence A. Todman (Argentina) -- CFR 

Frank G. Wisner II (Egypt) -- CFR 

Warren Zimmerman (Yugoslavia) -- CFR 


David L. Boren (D-OK) -- CFR 

William Bradley (D-NJ) -- CFR 

John H. Chafee (R-RI) -- CFR, TC 

William S. Cohen (R-ME) -- CFR, TC 

Christopher J. Dodd (D-CT) -- CFR 

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) -- TC 

Bob Graham (D-FL) -- CFR 

Joseph I. Lieberman (D-CT) -- CFR 

George J. Mitchell (D-ME) -- CFR 

Claiborne Pell (D-RI) -- CFR 

Larry Pressler (R-SD) -- CFR 

Charles S. Robb (D-VA) -- CFR, TC 

John D. Rockefeller, IV (D-WV) -- CFR, TC 

William Roth, Jr. (R-DE) -- CFR, TC 


Howard L. Berman (D-CA) -- CFR 

Thomas S. Foley (D-WA) -- CFR 

Sam Gejdenson (D-CT) -- CFR 

Richard A. Gephardt (D-MO) -- CFR 

Newton L. Gingrich (R-GA) -- CFR 

Lee H. Hamilton (D-IN) -- TC 

Amory Houghton, Jr. (R-NY) -- CFR 

Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT) -- CFR 

Jim Leach (R-IA) -- TC 

John Lewis (D-GA) -- CFR 

Robert T. Matsui (D-CA) -- CFR 

Dave K. Mccurdy (D-OK) -- CFR 

Eleanor Homes Norton (D-DC) -- CFR 

Thomas El Petri (R-WI) -- CFR 

Charles B. Rangel (D-NY) -- TC 

Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo (D-PR) -- CFR 

Patricia Schroeder (D-CO) -- CFR 

Peter Smith (R-VT) -- CFR 

Olympia J. Snow (R-ME) -- CFR 

John M. Spratt (D-SC) -- CFR 

Louis Stokes (D-OH) -- CFR 



Alan Greenspan, Chairman -- CFR, TC 

E. Gerald Corrigan, V. Chmn./Pres. NY Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Richard N. Cooper, Chmn. Boston Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR 

Sam Y. Cross, Manager, Foreign Open Market Acct. -- CFR 

Robert F. Erburu, Chmn. San Francisco Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR

Robert P. Forrestal, Pres. Atlanta Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR 

Bobby R. Inman, Chmn., Dallas Fed. Res. Bank -- CFR, TC 

Robert H. Knight, Esq. -- CFR 

Steven Muller -- CFR 

John R. Opel -- CFR 

Anthony M. Solomon -- CFR, TC 

Edwin M. Truman, Staff Dir. International Finance -- CFR 

Cyrus R. Vance -- CFR 

Paul Volcker -- CFR, TC 


Chase Manhattan Corp.: 

Thomas G. Labrecque, Chairman & CEO -- CFR, TC 

Robert R. Douglass, Vice Chairman -- CFR 

Willard C. Butcher, Dir. -- CFR 

Richard W. Lyman, Dir. -- CFR 

Joan Ganz Cooney, Dir. -- CFR 

David T. Mclaughlin, Dir. -- CFR 

Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

Henry B. Schacht, Dir. -- CFR 

Chemical Bank: 

Walter V. Shipley, Chairman -- CFR 

Robert J. Callander, President -- CFR 

William C. Pierce, Executive Officer -- CFR 

Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. -- CFR 

Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

George V. Grune, Dir. -- CFR 

Helen L. Kaplan, Dir. -- CFR 

Lawrence G. Rawl, Dir. -- CFR 

Michael I. Sovern, Dir. -- CFR 

Richard D. Wood, Dir. -- CFR 


John S. Reed. Chairman -- CFR 

William R. Rhodes, Vice Chairman -- CFR 

Richard S. Braddock, President -- CFR 

John M. Deutch, Dir. -- CFR 

Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., Dir -- CFR 

C. Peter Mccolough, Dir. -- CFR 

Rozanne L. Ridgeway, Dir. -- CFR 

Franklin A. Thomas, Dir. -- CFR 

First City Bancorp, Texas: 

A. Robert Abboud, CEO -- CFR 

Morgan Guaranty: 

Lewis T. Preston, Chairman -- CFR 

Bankers Trust New York Corporation: 

Charles S. Stanford, Jr., Chairman -- CFR 

Alfred Brittain III, Dir. -- CFR 

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr., Dir -- CFR 

Richard L. Gelb, Dir. -- CFR 

Patricia Carry Stewart, Dir. -- CFR 

First National Bank of Chicago: 

Barry F. Sullivan -- TC 

Manufacturers Hanover Directors: 

Cyrus Vance -- CFR 

G. Robert Durham -- CFR 

George B. Munroe -- CFR 

Marina V. N. Whitman -- CFR, TC 

Charles J. Pilliod, Jr. -- CFR 

Bank America: 

Andrew F. Brimmer, Dir. -- CFR 

Ignazio E. Lozano, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

Ruben F. Mettler, Dir. -- CFR 

Securities & Exchange Commission: 

Michael D. Mann, Dir. International Affairs -- CFR 


Jay Mazur, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union -- CFR, TC 

Jack Sheinkman, Amalgamated Clothing & Textile Workers Union -- CFR 

Albert Shanker, Pres., American Federation Of Teachers -- CFR, TC 

Glen E. Watts, Communication Of Workers Of America -- CFR, TC 


Department Of Defense: 

Les Aspin, Secretary of Defense -- CFR 

Frank G. Wisnerll, Under Secretary for Policy -- CFR 

Henry S. Rowen, Asst. Sec., International Security Affairs -- CFR 

Judy Ann Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control -- CFR 

W. Bruce Weinrod, Dep. Asst. Sec., Europe & NATO -- CFR

Adm. Seymour Weiss, Chairman, Defense Policy Board -- CFR 

Charles M. Herzfeld, Dir. Defense Research & Engineering -- CFR 

Andrew W. Marshall, Dir., Net Assessment -- CFR 

Michael P. W. Stone, Secretary of the Army -- CFR 

Donald B. Rice, Secretary of the Air Force -- CFR 

Franklin C. Miller, Dep. Asst. Sec. Nuclear Forces & Arms Control --


Allied Supreme Commanders: 

1949-52 Eisenhower -- CFR 

1952-53 Ridgeway -- CFR 

1953-56 Gruenther -- CFR 

1956-63 Norstad -- CFR 

1963-69 Lemnitzer -- CFR 

1969-74 Goodpaster -- CFR 

1974-79 Haig -- CFR 

1979-87 Rogers -- CFR, TC 

Superintendents of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point:


1960-63 Westmoreland -- CFR 

1963-66 Lampert -- CFR 

1966-68 Bennett -- CFR 

1970-74 Knowlton -- CFR 

1974-77 Berry -- CFR 

1977-81 Goodpaster -- CFR 

CFR Military Fellows, 1991: 

Col. William M. Drennan, Jr., USAF -- CFR 

Col. Wallace C. Gregson, USMC -- CFR 

Col. Jack B. Wood, USA -- CFR 

CFR Military Fellows, 1992: 

Col. David M. Mize, USMC -- CFR 

Col. John P. Rose, USA -- CFR 

Joint Chiefs of Staff: 

Gen. Colin L. Powell, Chairman -- CFR 

Gen. Carl E. Vuono, Army -- CFR 

Gen. John T. Chain, Co Sac -- CFR 

Gen. Merril A. Mcpeak, Co Pac AF -- CFR 

Lt. Gen. George L. Butler, Dir. Strategic Plans & Policy -- CFR 

Lt. Gen. Charles T. Boyd, Com. Air Univ. -- CFR 

Lt. Gen. Bradley C. Hosmer, AF Inspector General -- CFR 

Secretaries of Defense: 

1957-59 Mcelroy -- CFR 

1959-61 Gates -- CFR 

1961-68 McNamara -- CFR, TC 

1969-73 Laird -- CFR 

1973-75 Richardson -- CFR, TC 

1975-77 Rumsfeld -- CFR 

1977-80 Brown -- CFR, TC 

1980-88 Weinberger --CFR, TC 

1988- Carlucci -- CFR 

1988- Cheney -- CFR 

Additional Military: 

Mg R.C. Bowman -- CFR 

Bg F. Brown -- CFR 

Lt Col W. Clark -- CFR 

Adm Wm. Crowe -- CFR 

Col P. M. Dawkins -- CFR 

V. Adm. Thor Hanson -- CFR 

Col W. Hauser -- CFR 

Maj R. Kimmitt -- CFR 

Gen W. Knowlton -- CFR 

V. Adm J. Lee -- CFR 

Col D. Mead -- CFR 

Mg Jack Merritt -- CFR 

Gen E. Meyer -- CFR 

Col Wm. E. Odom -- CFR 

Col L. Olvey -- CFR 

Col Geo. K. Osborn -- CFR 

Mg J. Pustay -- CFR 

Lg E.L. Rowny -- CFR 

Capt Gary Sick -- CFR 

Mg De Witt Smith -- CFR 

Bg Perry Smith -- CFR 

Ltg Wm. Y. Smith -- CFR 

Col W. Taylor -- CFR 

Adm S. Turner -- CFR 

Mg J. Welch -- CFR 

Gen J. Wickham -- CFR 



Laurence A. Tisch, CEO -- CFR 

Roswell Gilpatric -- CFR 

James Houghton -- CFR, TC 

Henry Schacht -- CFR, TC 

Dan Rather -- CFR 

Richard Hottelet -- CFR

Frank Stanton -- CFR 


John F. Welch, CEO -- CFR 

Jane Pfeiffer -- CFR 

Lester Crystal -- CFR, TC 

R.W. Sonnenfeidt -- CFR, TC 

John Petty -- CFR 

Tom Brokaw -- CFR 

David Brinkley -- CFR 

John Chancellor -- CFR 

Marvin Kalb -- CFR 

Irving R. Levine -- CFR 

Herbert Schlosser -- CFR 

Peter G. Peterson -- CFR 

John Sawhill -- CFR 


Thomas S. Murphy, CEO -- CFR 

Barbara Walters -- CFR 

John Connor -- CFR 

Diane Sawyer -- CFR 

John Scall -- CFR 

Public Broadcast Service: 

Robert Mcneil -- CFR 

Jim Lehrer -- CFR 

C. Hunter-Gault -- CFR 

Hodding Carter III -- CFR 

Daniel Schorr -- CFR 

Associated Press: 

Stanley Swinton -- CFR 

Harold Anderson -- CFR 

Katharine Graham -- CFR, TC 


Michael Posner -- CFR 

Baltimore Sun: 


Henry Trewhitt -- CFR 

Washington Times: 

Arnaud De Borchgrave -- CFR 

Children's TV Workshop (Sesame Street): 

Joan Ganz Cooney, Pres. -- CFR 

Cable News Network: 

W. Thomas Johnson, Pres. -- TC 

Daniel Schorr -- CFR 

U.S. News & World Report: 

David Gergen -- TC 

New York Times Co.: 

Richard Gelb -- CFR 

William Scranton -- CFR, TC 

John F. Akers, Dir. -- CFR 

Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

George B. Munroe, Dir. -- CFR 

Donald M. Stewart, Dir. -- CFR 

Cyrus R. Vance, Dir. -- CFR 

A.M. Rosenthal -- CFR 

Seymour Topping -- CFR 

James Greenfield -- CFR 

Max Frankel -- CFR 

Jack Rosenthal -- CFR 

John Oakes -- CFR 

Harrison Salisbury -- CFR 

H.L. Smith -- CFR 

Steven Rattner -- CFR 

Richard Burt -- CFR 

Flora Lewis -- CFR 

Time, Inc.: 

Ralph Davidson -- CFR 

Donal M. Wilson -- CFR 

Henry Grunwald -- CFR 

Alexander Heard -- CFR 

Sol Linowitz -- CFR 

Thomas Watson, Jr. -- CFR 

Strobe Talbott -- CFR 

Newsweek/Washington Post: 

Katharine Graham -- CFR 

N. Deb. Katzenbach -- CFR 

Robert Christopher -- CFR 

Osborne Elliot -- CFR 

Phillip Geyelin -- CFR 

Murry Marder -- CFR 

Maynard Parker -- CFR 

George Will -- CFR, TC 

Robert Kaiser -- CFR 

Meg Greenfield -- CFR 

Walter Pincus -- CFR 

Murray Gart -- CFR 

Peter Osnos -- CFR 

Don Oberdorfer -- CFR 

Dow Jones & Co (Wall Street Journal): 

Richard Wood -- CFR 

Robert Bartley -- CFR, TC 

Karen House -- CFR 

National Review: 

Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. -- CFR 

Readers Digest: 

George V. Grune, CEO -- CFR 

William G. Bowen, Dir. -- CFR 

Syndicated Columnists 

Geogia Anne Geyer -- CFR 

Ben J. Wattenberg -- CFR 


Exxon Corporation: 

Lawrence G. Rawl, Chairman -- CFR 

Lee R. Raymond, President -- CFR, TC 

Jack G. Clarke, Sr., Vice President -- CFR 

Randolph W. Bromery, Dir. -- CFR 

D. Wayne Calloway, Dir. -- CFR 


Alfred C. Decrane,Jr., Chairman -- CFR 

John Brademas, Dir. -- CFR, TC 

Willard C. Butcher, Dir. -- CFR 

William J. Crowe, Jr., Dir. -- CFR, TC 

John K. Mckinley, Dir. -- CFR 

Thomas S. Murphy, Dir. -- CFR 

Atlantic Richfield-Arco: 

Hannah H. Gray, Dir. -- CFR 

Donal M. Kendall,Dir. -- CFR, TC 

Henry Wendt, Dir. -- TC 

Shell Oil Co.: 

Frank H. Richardson, CEO -- CFR 

Rand V. Araskog, Dir. -- CFR, TC 

Mobil Corp.: 

Allan E. Murray, Chairman & President -- CFR, TC 

Lewis M. Branscomb, Dir. -- CFR 

Samuel C. Johnson, Dir. -- TC 

Helene L. Kaplan, Dir. -- CFR 

Charles S. Sanford, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

Tenneco, Inc.: 

James L. Ketelsen, Chairman -- CFR 

W. Michael Blumenthal, Dir. -- CFR 

Joseph J. Sisco, Dir. -- CFR 


General Motors Corp.: 


Marina V.N. Whitman, VP -- CFR, TC 

Anne L. Armstrong, Dir. -- CFR 

Marvin L. Goldberger, Dir. -- CFR 

Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

Dennis Weatherstone, Dir. -- CFR 

Leon H. Sullivan, Dir. -- CFR 

Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. -- CFR 

Ford Motor Company: 

Clifton R. Wharton, Dir. -- CFR 

Roberto C. Goizueta, Dir. -- CFR 

GE/NBC Corp.: 

John F. Welch, Jr. Chairman -- CFR 

David C. Jones -- CFR 

Lewis T. Preston -- CFR 

Frank H.T. Rhodes -- CFR 

Walter B. Wriston -- CFR 

Deere & Co: 

Hans W. Becherer, Chairman/CEO -- CFR 


John F. Akers, Chairman -- CFR 

C. Michael Armstrong, Sr. VP -- CFR 


William S. Norman, Executive VP -- CFR 


Robert E. Allen, Chairman & CEO -- CFR 

Randall L. Tobias, Vice Chairman -- CFR 

Louis V. Gerstner, Dir. -- CFR 

Juanita M. Kreps, Dir. -- CFR 

Donald F. Mchenry, Dir. -- CFR 

Henry B. Schacht, Dir. -- CFR 

Michael I. Sovern, Dir. -- CFR 

Franklin A. Thamas, Dir. -- CFR 

Rawleigh Warner, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

Thomas H. Wyman, Dir. -- CFR 

Chrysler Corp.: 

Joseph A. Califano, Jr., Dir. -- CFR 

Peter A. Magowan, Dir. -- CFR 

American Express Co.: 

James D. Robinson,Ceo -- CFR 

Joan Edelman Spero -- TC 

Anne L. Armstrong -- CFR 

William G. Bowen -- CFR 

Charles W. Duncan, Jr. -- CFR 

Richard M. Furlaud -- CFR 

Vernon E. Jordan, Jr. -- CFR, TC 

Henry A. Kissinger -- CFR, TC 

Frank P. Popoff -- CFR 

Robert V. Roosa -- CFR 

Joseph H. Williams -- CFR 


Richard D. Wood, CEO, Eli Lily & Co -- CFR 

Richard M. Furlaud, CEO, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co -- CFR 

Frank Peter Popoff, CEO, Dow Chemical Co. -- CFR 

Charles Peter McColough, Chmn Ex. Comm, Xerox -- CFR 

Rozanne L. Ridgewar, Dir., 3M, RJR Nabisco, Union Carbide -- CFR 

Ruben F. Mettler, Former CEO, TRW, Inc. -- CFR 

Henry B. Schacht, CEO, Cummins Engines -- CFR 

Edmund T. Pratt, Jr., CEO, Pfizer, Inc. -- CFR 

Rand V. Araskog, CEO, ITT Corp. -- CFR, TC 

W. Michael Blumenthal, Chairman, Unisys Corp. -- CFR 

Joseph John Sisco, Dir., Geico, Raytheon, Gillette -- CFR 

J.Fred Bucy, Former Pres, CEO, Texas Instruments -- CFR 

Paul A. Allaire, Chairman, CEO, Xerox Corp. -- TC 

Dwayne O. Andreas, Chairman, CEO, Archer Midland Daniels -- TC 

James E. Burke, Chairman, CEO Em., Johnson & Johnson -- TC 

D. Wayne Calloway, Chairman, CEO, Pepsico -- TC 

Frank C. Carlucci, Vice Chmn., The Carlyle Group -- TC 

Lynn E. Davis, VP, Dir., Rand Corp -- TC 

Stephen Friedman, Sr., VP, Co-Chairman, Goldman, Sachs -- TC 

Louis V. Gerstner, Jr., Chairman, CEO, RJR Nabisco -- TC 

Joseph T. Gorman, Chairman, Pres, CEO, TRW Inc. -- TC 

Maurice R. Greenberg, Chairman, CEO, American International Group 

-- TC 

Robert D. Hass, Chairman, CEO, Levi Strauss -- TC 

David J. Hennigar, Chairman, Crownx, Vice Chairman, Crown Life -- 


Robert D. Hormats, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Int. -- TC 

James R. Houghton, Chairman, CEO, Corning Inc. -- TC 

Donald R. Keough, President, CEO, The Coca Cola Co. -- TC 

Henry A. Kissinger, Chairman, Kissinger Assoc. -- TC 

Whitney Macmillan, Chairman, CEO, Cargill, Inc. -- TC 

Robert S. McNamara, Former President, The World Bank -- TC 

William D. Ruckershaus, Chairman, CEO, Browning-Ferris Ind. -- TC 

David Stockman, Gen Partner, The Blackstone Group -- CFR 

Henry Wendt, Chmn, Smith Kline Beecham -- TC 


University Professors: 

Graham Allison, Prof. Of Gov., Harvard Univ. -- TC 

Zbigniew Brzezinski, Prof., Johns Hopkins -- TC 

Gerald L. Curtis, Prof. Poli Sci, Columbia Univ. -- TC 

Martin S. Feldstein, Prof. Econ, Harvard Univ. -- TC 

Richard N. Gardner, Prof. Law, Columbia Univ. -- TC 

Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Prof. Int'l Affairs, Harvard Univ. -- TC 

Robert D. Putnam, Prof. Politics, Havard Univ. -- TC 

Henry Rosovsky, Prof. Harvard Univ. -- TC 

Geoge P. Shultz, Hon. Fellow, Stanford Univ. -- TC 

Lester C. Thorow, Dean, Sloan School if Mgmt., MIT -- TC 

Paul Volcker, Prof. Int'l Econ., Princeton Univ -- TC 

College & University Presidents: 

Robert H. Edwards, Bowdoin College -- CFR 

Vartan Gregorian, Brown University -- CFR 

Hanna Holbom Gray, University of Chicago -- CFR 

Joseph S. Murphy, City Univ. of NY -- CFR 

Michael I. Sovern, Columbia Univ. -- CFR 

Frank H.T. Rhodes, Cornell University -- CFR 

James T. Laney, Emory University -- CFR 

Rev. Joseph A. O'Hare, Fordham Univ. -- CFR 

Thomas Ehrlich, Indiana Univ. -- CFR 

Steven Muller, Johns Hopkins Univ. -- CFR 

Alice S. Iichman, Sarah Lawrence College -- CFR 

Edward T. Foote, II, University Of Miami -- CFR 

S. Frederick Starr, Oberlin College -- CFR, TC 

Joseph Duffey, Chans., Univ. Of Mass. -- CFR 

John M. Deutch, Institute Professor, MIT -- CFR, TC 

Lester C. Thurow, Dean, Sloan Sch., MIT -- CFR 

Bernard Harleston, City College of NY -- CFR 

John Brademus, New York University -- CFR, TC 

Wesley W. Posvar, University of Pittsburg -- CFR 

Harold T. Shapiro, Princeton University -- CFR 

Charles W. Duncan, Jr., Chmn, Rice University -- CFR 

Dennis O'Brien, Univ. Of Rochester -- CFR 

David Baltimore, Rockefeller University -- CFR 

Donald Dennedy, Stanford University -- CFR 

Richard Wall Lyman, Pres. Em., Stanford -- CFR 

Hans M. Mark, Chancellor, Univ. of Texas -- CFR 

Robert H. Donaldson, Univ. of Tulsa -- CFR 

Stephen J. Trachtenberg, George Washington Univ. -- CFR 

William H. Danforth, Washington University, St. Louis -- CFR 

John D. Wilson, Washington & Lee University -- CFR 

Nannerl O. Keohane, Wellesley University -- CFR 

Concerned Women of America 

Family Voice July 1998


By Pamela Pearson Wong

We cannot let an empowered United Nations seize our citizenship

People-covered blankets form a patchwork quilt around the U.S. Capitol. As

the sun sets, music of the National Symphony Orchestra rises to

Tschaikowsky’s "1812 Overture." Cannons wait across the reflecting pool,

poised for the signal. Then, at the precise moment, they blast in unison

with the symphony---and fireworks explode over the Washington Monument.

Independence Day--the Fourth of July--binds us as a nation. In rural

villages and massive cities, in countrysides and on urban streets,

Americans gather for picnics and fireworks. They celebrate the freedoms,

the history, the privileges America affords. 

Globalism is Gaining

A growing shadow looms over American nationalism--a creeping movement

toward global citizenship. Instead of a world made of independent nations,

globalism requires an international system to govern and unite

"nation-states." World federalism would unite all countries under a common

government--a greatly empowered United Nations. And we would no longer

look to Washington, D.C., as the center of our government.

"World federal government is not only possible, it is inevitable." says

Sir Peter Ustinov, President of the World Federalist Movement, "and when it

comes, it will appeal to the patriotism of men who love their national

heritages so deeply that they wish to preserve them in safety for the

common good". (emphasis added.

This agenda is neither new nor covert. The World Federalist Association

has been working toward this goal for nearly 50 years. Some have suspected

a conspiracy to bring the world under one power--global governance. Now

efforts seem to be accelerating for the year 2000.

Mother Earth

The motivation for global governance is the lust for power illustrated in

the age-old lie, "Man is his own god." This 90s-style religion elevates

Earth to an object of worship (FV, April 1997),. Man controls his destiny.

Man is the savior-not God.

Preserving the planet becomes the act of worship, and Christians the enemy.

Western culture, say U. N. environmentalists, has desecrated Earth. Vice

President Al Gore has supported this theory for years. In 1990 he

introduced legislation that established the annual "Earth Day."

Influence Peddler

Another leading advocate of Mother Earth is Canadian Maurice Strong,

possibly the chief influence peddler within globalism. His U.N.-related

resume includes former Deputy Secretary- General and Secretary-General of

the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development. Some point to him

as an upcoming U. N. Secretary-General.

Strong has referred to Our Common Future, resulting from the U.N.’s World

Commission on Environment and Development, as "an extension of the Bible."

The book deals with how "humankind must preserve Earth.

Strong artfully chastises "those who call ourselves Christian" for starting

the Industrial Revolution--the source of Earth’s problems. "The oneness

of the Earth has been shattered within these nations by artificial

boundaries dividing the open land into segments of private property, and

destroying Mother Earth and indigenous peoples," he said at a "theology of

the Earth" event in New York City.


"God has placed the fate of the Earth in our hands . . . We can secure our

own salvation of life itself on Earth," he said. How? Through global

governance by the U.N. And wherever the U.N. is, the sovereignty of the

United States -- and our identity as American citizens -- is jeopardized.


U. N. Charter

Little did U.N. founders dream of its future power.

In 1918, President Woodrow Wilson designed the Fourteen Points, a document

calling for the League of Nations. This world body was to secure

international peace and, thereby, domestic security. Congress, however,

refused to ratify the League of Nations--seeing it as a threat to our

national sovereignty.

But later, demoralized by two world wars within 50 years, the U.S. changed

its position. In 1944, our national leaders met with Russia, China and

Great Britain, forming the United Nations to promote and maintain world

peace. These superpowers ratified the U.N. Charter the next year.

That Charter gives the U.N. Security Council power to:

Recommend judges for election to the International Court.

Maintain international peace and security.

Investigate and arbitrate disputes.

Use economic and military actions against aggressors.

Recommend new members.

Recommend appointment of the Secretary General.

>From this rather limited beginning, the U.N. now equates peace with

globalization--and ultimately, a world government.


Global Governance

The Commission for Global Governance (CGG) gives us a birdseye view of the

process. Founded in 1992, the Commission has the full endorsement of

former U.N. Secretary-General Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Although not an

official U.N. organization, its 28 members all have U.N. related resumes.

The Commission published its 357 page report Our Global Neighborhood, in

1995. Its recommendations include:

Governmental agreement to changes "in the international system"

Strong leadership "that reaches beyond country, race, religion, culture,

language, lifestyle" "Global governance) must embrace . . . a sense of

responsibility to the global neighborhood..." The report further states.

"The impulse to possess turf is a powerful one for all species; yet it is

one that people must overcome." 

The U.N. is to play a pivotal role. "It is our firm conclusion that the

United Nations must continue to play a central role in global governance,"

it says. Moreover, the CGG proposes expanding the U.N.’s current power.


U. N. Expansion

Through Taxes:

The CGG recommends fees on international activities, including foreign

currency transactions. The greatest income, however, would come from taxes

on all fossil fuels. Economist James Tobin states in National Review that

"a 0.5 percent tax on foreign-exchange transactions would raise $1.5

trillion annually---nearly equivalent to the U. S. federal budget."

No More Veto:

Another power grab comes from the CGG’s recommendation that the U. N.

Security County, the organization’s most power entity eliminate the veto

power held by the five permanent members--the U. S., France, the United

Kingdom, the Russian Federation and China.


Currently, nine Council members must agree before a measure can pass,

including all five permanent members. This veto power offers needed

protection to the U.S.

However, CGG recommends elimination of the veto in a two-stage process,

because "the Commission knew," reported the National Review, "that the

current permanent members of the Security Council, including the U.S.,

would not easily surrender their vetoes." First, five new permanent

members would join the Security Council--without veto privilege. Then

three countries would be added as non-permanent members.

The second stage poses the real threat to our sovereignty. Although the

U.S. would not have ratified the U.N. Charter in 1945 without the veto

provision, the CGG wants it phased out.

According to Our Global Neighborhood, the original five permanent members

would retain the veto to use "only in extreme cases." By the year 2005,

"today’s permanent members will have become accustomed to participation in

global governance without the veto."

These plans are progressing. The State Department has already agreed to add

five new members to the Security Council, but has not commended on the veto.

"Without veto power, the U.S. would be subject to the decisions of other

countries--even if we violently disagree with them," says Laurel MacLeod,

CWA’s Director of :Legislation and Public Policy. 


Where’s the Voter?

Fueling global government and U.N. expansion is the mindset that our

world’s survival demands a new system. Though globalists might not admit

it, they see the Founding Fathers’ vision as archaic.

"Where are the voters?" asks Laurel MacLeod. "The CGG’s plan ignores

Congress, state legislatures and the system of checks and balances so

carefully crafted for our Republic. Instead, the globalist vision gives

power to non-elected elites who would control out government from behind

the scenes."

We already see this trend progressing throughout our culture.

Expanding Through Land Use--Using the model of the U.N. regulations, our

own executive agencies have created biosphere reserves--and subverted

private property rights in the process. For example, in 1976 the U.N.

designated Yellowstone National Park as a biosphere reserve--set aside for

conservation and scientific study.

Yet the U.N. regulations that control buffer zones (areas around the core

biosphere reserve) only allow limited human activities and dwelling.

Individuals who own property within buffer zones may not keep animals, grow

crops, or develop land. Core and buffer zones are places where "the

collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs

and desires of humans," says environmentalist Dr. Reed F. Noss.

"It is important to protect and preserve environment," says Laurel MacLeod.

"But laws must recognize the democratic process and not be imposed upon

people outside their Constitutional rights. The United States’ national

sovereignty--is becoming subservient to U.N. wishes."

Expanding Through the Military--The United States Constitution empowers

Congress to declare war and the President to act as Commander-in-Chief.

However, our military has increasingly come under U.N. control.


In 1990, President George Bush obtained U.N. authority to send U. S.

troops to Iraq--an unprecedented action. Some 54 members of Congress

unsuccessfully attempted to force the President to obtain congressional


In 1992 President Bush again approached the U.N.--to send American soldiers

to Somalia. For the first time in our history, American troops served

under direct command of a United Nations foreign commander.

But not all American soldiers agree with this growing change of command.

In 1996, Specialist Michael New, an Army medic, underwent court martial for

refusing to serve under foreign command as an international peacekeeper

(FV, May 1996). "I swore allegiance to my country, not the U.N.," Spc. New

declared. (He received a dishonorable discharge.)

Now, the move toward a U.N. standing army indicates further control. The

Washington Times reports that Choi Young-Jin, the U.N. assistance

secretary- general for peacekeeping operations, hopes to establish "a

standing army system" I would consist of 100,000 standby troops from 70

countries. He called the standby system "an interim measure" resulting

from opposition to a U.N. standing army from the U.S. and other "core


Sen. Rod Grans (R-MN), chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations

subcommittee on international operations said that Congress should be very

concerned. "They keep saying that there will be no U.N. standing army, but

this is proof that there is a lot of planning going on to make this a

reality," Sen. Grans told the Washington Times.

Expanding Through the Family Unit--Even the God-ordained institution of

family is experiencing U.N. intervention. In 1989, the U.N. General

Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our ambassador

to the U.N. signed the Convention in 1995. It went to the Senate--where it

remains today in committee.

President Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton strongly endorse this treaty.

Still the President has said he will attach "reservations" to it--to allay

citizen fears and state the Administration’s differences--before sending it

to the full Senate.

If the Senate passes the Convention in committee, it will go to the full

Senate for a final ratification vote of two-thirds, instead of a simple

majority. If ratified, this intrusive treaty would--according to modern

Supreme Court interpretation of the Constitution--supersede all state and

federal laws.

The U.N. treaty would charge Congress with seeing "the best interests of

the child" (article 3), thus usurping the family’s role.

American traditionally believe that minor children need parental protection

But the treaty purports that children have the rights to make their own

decisions--in all areas. It would conceivable give them even freer access

to sexual activity, contraception and abortion, pornography, and cultic and

occult "religions."

"God designed the family to nurture and guide children gradually increasing

their autonomy until they become independent," says Dr. Beverly LaHaye, CWA

Founder and Chairman. "This plan isn’t oppressive, but loving."


Allan Carlson of The Center on the Family in America, a conservative think

tank, agrees. "(The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child) undermines

the one institution in which children are least likely to be abused least

likely to be poor, least likely to be promiscuous, most likely to be

healthy, and most likely to be well educated: the traditional two-parent



I Pledge Allegiance

The U.S. Constitution laid out our system of government by the people. A

balance of power, checks and balances, a bill of rights--and national

sovereignty--are its hallmarks. Independence Day, the American flag, the

pledge of allegiance--are all its symbols. Our country began as a

magnificent experiment, and still exists as a paragon of freedom for the

entire world. We must not let the United Nations rob us of our right to

celebrate as American---not global citizens. 




(From The Congressional Record, Jan. 10, 1963)

1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.

2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.

5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.

6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.

7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.

8. Allow all Soviet satellites individual representation in the U.N.

9. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

10. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.

11. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

12. Gain control of all student newspapers.

13. Use student riots to ferment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.

14. Infiltrate the Press.

15. Gain control of key positions in radio, T.V., and motion pictures.

16. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate" all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.

17. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."

18. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

19. Break down culture standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and T.V.

20. Present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity, as "normal, natural, healthy."

21. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."

22. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."

23. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

24. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

25. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the cultural education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

26. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrist can understand or treat.

27. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.

28. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. (Hen. A.S. Herlong, Jr. of Florida in H.R., Congressional Record-Appendix, Jan. 10, 1963, pp. a34-35)

Look through the above list again and count the number of goals which have been accomplished in this nation since 1963. 


COMMUNIST GOALS (from The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848.)

"The theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single phrase: Abolition of private property." (page 82) "In bourgeois society, therefore, the past dominates the present; in communist society, the present dominates the past. In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality.

"And the abolition of this state of things is called by the bourgeoisie, abolition of individuality and freedom! And rightly so. The abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at." (page 84)

"You reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend." (page 85)

". . . the middle-class owner of property. This person must, indeed, be swept out of the way, and made impossible." (pages 85-86)

"Abolition of the family!" (page 87) "The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish countries and nationality." (page 90)

"Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality."(page 92)

"Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things " (page 116)

Goals of Communism (page 94)

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, etc., etc.

(Note: the above pages reflect the paperback version, 14th printing, April 1976)



This EO requires all federal state and local governments to comply immediately with a ll UN Treaties, whether or 
not confirmed by the US Senate as required by the Constitution. One treaty, the UN Treaty on Genocide says that anyone persuading someone to change his or her religion  is a hate crime punishable by law.  This EO will be used by the new Office of Religious Persecution Monitoring to arrest and imprison Christian missionaries and witnesses anywhere in the world who preach Jesus only.  Thus we now have Christian persecution from our White House. Source, McAlvany Intelligence Advisor May 99.  This war is getting close.

For Immediate Release December 10, 1998 
- - - - - - - 
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws
of the United States of America, and bearing in mind the obligations of the
United States pursuant to the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (ICCPR), the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or
Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), the Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD), and other relevant treaties
concerned with the protection and promotion of human rights to which the
United States is now or may become a party in the future, it is hereby
ordered as follows: 

Section 1. Implementation of Human Rights Obligations. 
(a) It shall be the policy and practice of the Government of the United
States, being committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and
fundamental freedoms, fully to respect and implement its obligations under
the international human rights treaties to which it is a party, including
the ICCPR, the CAT, and the CERD. 

(b) It shall also be the policy and practice of the Government of the
United States to promote respect for international human rights, both in
our relationships with all other countries and by working with and
strengthening the various international mechanisms for the promotion of
human rights, including, inter alia, those of the United Nations, the
International Labor Organization, and the Organization of American States. 

Sec. 2. Responsibility of Executive Departments and Agencies. 
(a) All executive departments and agencies (as defined in 5 U.S.C. 101-105,
including boards and commissions, and hereinafter referred to collectively
as "agency" or "agencies") shall maintain a current awareness of United
States international human rights obligations that are relevant to their
functions and shall perform such functions so as to respect and implement
those obligations fully. The head of each agency shall designate a single
contact officer who will be responsible for overall coordination of the
implementation of this order. Under this order, all such agencies shall
retain their established institutional roles in the implementation,
interpretation, and enforcement of Federal law and policy. 

(b) The heads of agencies shall have lead responsibility, in coordination
with other appropriate agencies, for questions concerning implementation of
human rights obligations that fall within their respective operating and
program responsibilities and authorities or, to the extent that matters do
not fall within the operating and program responsibilities and authorities
of any agency, that most closely relate to their general areas of concern. 

Sec. 3. Human Rights Inquiries and Complaints. Each agency shall take lead
responsibility, in coordination with other appropriate agencies, for
responding to inquiries, requests for information, and complaints about
violations of human rights obligations that fall within its areas of
responsibility or, if the matter does not fall within its areas of
responsibility, referring it to the appropriate agency for response. 

Sec. 4. Interagency Working Group on Human Rights Treaties. 
(a) There is hereby established an Interagency Working Group on Human
Rights Treaties for the purpose of providing guidance, oversight, and
coordination with respect to questions concerning the adherence to and
implementation of human rights obligations and related matters. 

(b) The designee of the Assistant to the President for National Security
Affairs shall chair the Interagency Working Group, which shall consist of
appropriate policy and legal representatives at the Assistant Secretary
level from the Department of State, the Department of Justice, the
Department of Labor, the Department of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
and other agencies as the chair deems appropriate. The principal members
may designate alternates to attend meetings in their stead. 

(c) The principal functions of the Interagency Working Group shall include: 
(i) coordinating the interagency review of any significant issues
concerning the implementation of this order and analysis and
recommendations in connection with pursuing the ratification of human
rights treaties, as such questions may from time to time arise;
(ii) coordinating the preparation of reports that are to be submitted by
the United States in fulfillment of treaty obligations; 
(iii) coordinating the responses of the United States Government to
complaints against it concerning alleged human rights violations submitted
to the United Nations, the Organization of American States, and other
international organizations; 
(iv) developing effective mechanisms to ensure that legislation proposed by
the Administration is reviewed for conformity with international human
rights obligations and that these obligations are taken into account in
reviewing legislation under consideration by the Congress as well; 
(v) developing recommended proposals and mechanisms for improving the
monitoring of the actions by the various States, Commonwealths, and
territories of the United States and, where appropriate, of Native
Americans and Federally recognized Indian tribes, including the review of
State, Commonwealth, and territorial laws for their conformity with
relevant treaties, the provision of relevant information for reports and
other monitoring purposes, and the promotion of effective remedial
(vi) developing plans for public outreach and education concerning the
provisions of the ICCPR, CAT, CERD, and other relevant treaties, and human
rights-related provisions of domestic law; 
(vii) coordinating and directing an annual review of United States
reservations, declarations, and understandings to human rights treaties,
and matters as to which there have been non-trivial complaints or
allegations of inconsistency with or breach of international human rights
obligations, in order to determine whether there should be consideration of
any modification of relevant reservations, declarations, and understandings
to human rights treaties, or United States practices or laws. The results
and recommendations of this review shall be reviewed by the head of each
participating agency; 
(viii) making such other recommendations as it shall deem appropriate to
the President, through the Assistant to the President for National Security
Affairs, concerning United States adherence to or implementation of human
rights treaties and related matters; and 
(ix) coordinating such other significant tasks in connection with human
rights treaties or international human rights institutions, including the
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Special Rapporteurs and
complaints procedures established by the United Nations Human Rights

(d) The work of the Interagency Working Group shall not supplant the work
of other interagency entities, including the President's Committee on the
International Labor Organization, that address international human rights

Sec. 5. Cooperation Among Executive Departments and Agencies. All agencies
shall cooperate in carrying out the provisions of this order. The
Interagency Working Group shall facilitate such cooperative measures. Sec.
6. Judicial Review, Scope, and Administration. 
(a) Nothing in this order shall create any right or benefit, substantive or
procedural, enforceable by any party against the United States, its
agencies or instrumentalities, its officers or employees, or any other

(b) This order does not supersede Federal statutes and does not impose any
justiciable obligations on the executive branch. 

(c) The term "treaty obligations" shall mean treaty obligations as approved
by the Senate pursuant to Article II, section 2, clause 2 of the United
States Constitution. 

(d) To the maximum extent practicable and subject to the availability of
appropriations, agencies shall carry out the provisions of this order. 

THE WHITE HOUSE, December 10, 1998. 

David Hornbeck edited Human Capital, one manifesto for this agenda.  In it he cited the need to "create a sense of crisis" and then to use the courts to achieve the goal.  Ira Magaziner wrote an interesting letter gloating of their win in the election and what it meant toward achieving their goals of social engineering (Marc Tucker 17 page Letter to Hillary Clinton advising on Education and Training  

This list makes poor Richard Mellon Scaife, the American Spectator and the Rutherford Institute look mighty puny. But they are not our strength and our salvation.   Fortunately those "Right Wing Radicals" who dare to object know the One Who is really in control and they look to Jesus Christ as Lord of all.  Many good people have been deceived by the Newspeak of those promoting this agenda.  I had often wondered how the Anti-Christ could come out of the Church as Revelations predicts.   The skillful manipulation of language has made many believe they are supporting something the facts do not bear out.  We must remember "there is nothing new under the sun."  This may be the final act of the Battle of the Ages.  Do not despair or be dismayed, our God will never leave us or forsake us.  Let us be constantly in prayer for those whom He is using on the frontlines of this "War" as James Carville calls it.  Let us pray that the shackles will fall from the eyes of those deceived.  Like the Virgins in the parable, keep the oil in the lamps and be prepared.

And they accuse us of "having an agenda"?

Berit Kjos Site. Excellent resource for United Nations involvement in our government, education, children and general society.

The information presented here is also available in the Free Book: Global Governance The University of Texas at Austin, Murchison Chair of Free Enterprise, Petroleum/CTE 3.168, Austin, Texas, 78712.  Order your copy now.

Let me suggest that you read Malachi Martin's Windswept House
From Wanderer Interview:

"Since the publication of Malachi Martin's WINDSWEPT HOUSE (Doubleday) early this summer, everyone who has read it is asking the same question: Is it all true?

The brilliantly conceived and elegantly written novel presents Vatican City as a nest of intrigue, where the Holy Father is cautiously temporizing as disloyal cardinals subvert his Papacy and scheme with government and business elites in London and Brussels to advance the New World Order.

Believing that the Church must be a key player in the New World Order - primarily for financial reasons - and that Catholic doctrine on key issues must be "moderated," "transformed," or simply dropped in order for the Church to be accepted as a player in the new power structure, the Pope's unfaithful cardinals plot to isolate John Paul II."