Sunday, August 21, 2022

Letter to Dothan City Schools' School Board Members


These are the Dothan City School Board members. Their email addresses are also available on the Dothan City Schools website if any of you would like to contact them. If you want to speak at a Board meeting you must call to get on a list.

I began by giving the board members my identifying information that I will not include here. I wonder if I will get a response. This is a follow up to the article I wrote and the Dothan Eagle published in May of 2021, Concern over Dothan City Schools Curriculum. I did not mention to them that I have a MSE in Education and have taught from Middle School through university level. I have seen and researched what is happening in our schools. I am a writer published by a university press and write a blog visited by over 200,000 visitors. I am a teacher. That is my profession. Education should be policed by teachers. But those who know what is wrong circle the wagons and support it because they are afraid to speak out. There will be a day when Jesus returns and we will all be accountable. 

Matthew 18:6  “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

What do you think "challenge the fixed beliefs of their parents" (Blooms Taxonomy) and constructivist education "creating cognitive dissonance" actually means?

Dear Board Members:

Around thirty years ago, I ran twice for the school board and lost both times. I ran on a back to basics agenda at a time when we were battling Outcome Based Education and Whole Language. Since I lost, both of those agendas became real in our schools. There was no one to battle them. And now we reap the results. 

I have been called a "flat earther", a member of the Ku Klux Klan (ridiculous), and other names, I am sure. But the truth is I was right and am right about what is happening. Since the campaigns of my opponents were run out of the central office, I have no doubt that those claims were used. But answer for yourself, what group of children has been most poorly served by the curriculum that they have supposedly been "educated' with? Look at the reading score chart! And Alabama scores last in Math. I wonder why.

I write to you in hope you will take the time to read the information I send you. 2 minutes is simply not long enough to express my concerns at a Board Meeting. You might want to visit the website Betty Peters, Barbara Moore and I have set up called Wake Up America. On that website you will find the current reading scores of our schools. Or go to mine: The scores (jpg attached)  should alarm you as you are the "gatekeepers" supposed to be protecting our children. You are not there to rubber stamp everything proposed by the Administration. Several hundred people have already read the article about the reading scores. I suggest you read Retarding America: the Imprisonment of Potential if you doubt that your decisions make a difference. 

Indeed, there is much for you to be accountable for. Our administrators will use our children as guinea pigs and rise up in their profession writing articles and spouting affective excuses and reasons (not objective or empirical data). But you were elected not to represent them, but the children, parents and citizens whose trust you represent. 

This is an article I wrote recently that should wake you up to what is happening under your noses and under your authority. Therefore you will be accountable before God for whatever stand you choose to take on issues. I was at the school board meeting when you all okayed Social Emotional Learning for Dothan Preparatory. God help us. I assume you all do your own research and do not simply accept what is handed to you by our Superintendent and his minions who all probably belong to the NEA/AEA. I challenge you to read the article on the NEA/AEA resolutions so you can know the belief system of the colleges of education and professional "educators." I call them change agents. If their belief system is not your belief system, what are you doing to stop them in their efforts to advance their cause? 

I recently watched The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing about Saul Alinsky. Suddenly all the pieces fell in place and I wrote this article:



The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.’ 

He went on to say: ‘I no longer need to run as a presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.'” Norman Thomas

"A wise man cannot and should not keep his word when doing so is to his disadvantage, since men are wicked, they will not keep faith with you, you need not keep faith with them. But it is essential to conceal how crafty one is, to know a clever counterfeit and hypocrite." Nicolo Machiavelli

According to Alinsky, Machiavelli's book, The Prince was written on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is how to take power. Alinsky dedicated his book, Rules for Radicals, to Lucifer, the first radical "who was so effective he won his own kingdom." 

Alinsky's methods: 

"The end justifies almost any means."

"All effective actions require the passport of morality. You do what you can and clothe it in moral garments."

"Pick the target. Freeze it. Personalize it. Polarize it. Make the enemy live up to its own rules." (Think Roy Moore and Justice Kavanaugh)

Moral rationalization is indispensable at times of action more than justifying the ends and means. 

POWER Cardinal Bernardin Homosexual Predator Satanist was a power player in the Catholic Church who participated in the Satanic enthronement in the Vatican written about in Malachi Martin's Windswept House. President Barack Obama told a round table of religion writers that he continues to be profoundly influenced by the late Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, whom he came to know when he was a community organizer in a project partially funded by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.

Obama said his encounters with the cardinal continue to influence him, particularly his “seamless garment” approach to a multitude of social justice issues. Alinsky and Bernardin worked together. Obama attended Alinsky's training school and Cardinal Bernardin footed the bill with Catholic donor money. The high tide of Alinsky’s direct influence in the church came in 1978, when his clerical allies seized control of a national meeting of Catholic lay leaders, the Call to Action Conference. 

The "seamless garment" approach to social justice issues came from a 1983 speech wherein Bernardin applied the Biblical story of Jesus' tunic "woven in one piece from the top down" to public policy issues. He maintained that matters as varied as the death penalty, the minimum wage and how to wage war should be considered on the same moral plane as abortion. Benedict XVI wrote "not all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia." 

"Bella Dodd, representative of the American Communist Party, testified "We put 1100 men in the priesthood to destroy the church from within." 

This method has been used to undermine institutions of influence throughout America--particularly the education system. Barach Obama, schooled by Alinsky, mentored by Cardinal Bernardin, came into power and inserted change agents for his agenda to foment Alinsky's goal of revolution in our country. 

DIVISION --MULTICULTURALISM  divides us to conquer us. It was a Saul Alinsky training school that taught Barack Obama how to use “community organizing” as a tool of racial division and political power-grabbing. Choose an issue small enough. Set up the situation of enemies and stir up other enmities with power politics. Alinsky's methods are divorced from morality. 

CONFLICT-Rub raw the feelings of discontent. According to Alinsky the struggle is the victory itself. You must produce the unrest and disparities Alinsky says he is fighting against. The theme of "WHITE PRIVILEGE" has set up the enemy. Now, all that needs to happen is to further stoke the feelings of discontent and hatred.


Using Alinskyite tactics to make sure that leftist dissenters from key Catholic doctrines at the Call to Action Conference were appointed to key positions, these radicals tried to transform the Call to Action into a kind of American Catholic parliament. Pretending to speak on behalf of all American Catholics, they demanded that the church change its age-old teachings on contraception, ordain women priests and embrace “gay liberation.”and placed priests of like mind in positions of authority.

Just so, Alinskyite tactics are used in school board meetings across the country to stifle opposition, isolate the objectors, and use courts and media to promote their agenda. 

DECEIT--Educators use CONSTRUCTIVIST "methodology" that intentionally produces COGNITIVE DISSONANCE. This is also a tactic used by pedophiles in GROOMING their targets. 

Cognitive dissonance is a state of confusion brought about by conflicting beliefs. There are a number of different situations that can create cognitive dissonance, such as "Forced Compliance." They teach children to "challenge the fixed beliefs of their parents" and teach a nonjudgemental morality that makes their beliefs fluid and object of change. This is what the New Republic once called the plasticity of the child, an object to be molded will constitute the new education.


Using methods like those promoted by National Council of Teachers of Mathematics that encourage the move away from the traditional emphasis on computational skills like multiplication tables and algorithms—a teaching method that university mathematicians still favor but that many K–12 math teachers dismiss as “drill and kill.” Teachers (particularly liberal and left-leaning teachers) instead use a “constructivist” or “discovery-based” pedagogy, sometimes called “fuzzy math.”


The consequence of cognitive dissonance according to the verywellmind website: "Sometimes you might find yourself engaging in behaviors that are opposed to your own beliefs due to external expectations, often for work, school, or a social situation. This might involve going along with something due to peer pressure..."  


So, are kindergarteners strong enough to withstand the peer pressure and proselytizing of an agenda "contrary to the fixed beliefs of their parents?"  And how is this Constitutional? 


And how does Queer Math fit in here? 


Dr. Tommy Bice, former gay Superintendent for the state of Alabama, is a board member of the Magic City Acceptance Academy (grades 6 through 12), one of Alabama's first charter schools. They state on their website:  "The essential components in constructivist theory are to elicit prior knowledge, create cognitive dissonance, and apply the knowledge with feedback and reflection on learning."  


What is the purpose of creating cognitive dissonance? Grooming?


Obama's friend and former boss, Bill Ayers wrote an endorsement on the book, Queering Elementary Schools: Advancing the Dialogue about Sexualities and Schooling for which Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian &Straight Education Network), wrote the foreword. Ayers recommended Jennings to be Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools. According to the GLSEN website, the National Association of School Psychologists, the Learning First Alliance, the National Education Association, the Council for Exceptional Children, Social Workers Association of America and the American Federation of Teachers are their longtime partners in the education world. They say the purpose of GLSEN is to transform America's K-12 schools into an "affirming environment."


A leftist organization called "The Queer Mathematics Teacher" is seeking to embed gender theory in K-12 math classes. Brandie Waid, the director of The Queer Mathematics Teacher, laid out a plan for incorporating gender theory into math classes in a blog post on the Collaborative for Academic Social and Emotion Learning (CASEL) website. CASEL is sponsored by the Allstate Foundation


"For the last decade or so, largely working beneath public or parental notice, a well-organized movement has sought to revolutionize the curricula and culture of the nation’s public schools. Its aim: to stamp out “hegemonic heterosexuality”—the traditional view that heterosexuality is the norm—in favor of a new ethos that does not just tolerate homosexuality but instead actively endorses experimenting with it, as well as with a polymorphous range of bisexuality, transgenderism, and transsexuality. The educational establishment has enthusiastically signed on. What this portends for the future of the public schools and the psychic health of the nation’s children is deeply worrisome." writes Marjorie King, Queering the SchoolsCJ, Spring 2003

Community organizers have been hard at work setting up this framework for up is down, left is right, right is wrong, and numbers, computation, and letters don't matter. Schools are set up to manufacture automatons of the Left, not educated children. At what point does the public refuse to fund these programs that undermine our homes, families and society? The doors were set wide open with President Obama installing "change agents," like Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary of Education for the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools, in positions of power throughout his government. 

A transcript from a 1997 speech shows Kevin Jennings, Office of Safe Schools chief in the U.S. Department of Education,  expressing his admiration for Harry Hay, who was one of the nation's first homosexual activists who launched the Mattachine Society in 1948, founded the Radical Faeries and was a longtime advocate for the North American Man-Boy Love Association, NAMBLA. 

“One of the people that's always inspired me is Harry Hay,” the transcript shows Jennings saying, “who started the first ongoing gay rights groups in America. 

 “Hay was a prominent American gay rights activist, communist, pro-pedophilia activist (NAMBLA), and … founder of the Mattachine Society, the first sustained gay rights group in the United States as well as the Radical Faeries, a loosely-affiliated gay spiritual movement.” Among these, NAMBLA is the infamous North American Man/Boy Love Association. (Wikipedia)

Harry left Communist Party of the USA and in 1950 joined a group of homosexual communists in forming the so-called Mattachine Society, the pioneering organization of gay communists. From there, Hay did remarkable work in spreading both gay-rights propaganda and communist propaganda and forging the two under a mighty left-wing rainbow umbrella that would revolutionize what we now called the wider “LGBTQ” movement. (Actually, writers at People’s World, flagship publication of Communist Party USA, have now started using the term “LGBTQIA.”)

These change agents trained in Alinsky methodology, couched in moral rationalization, now work to undermine our country through the institution that touches us all and has had support of being as all-American as Mom and Apple Pie. They managed to extract Christianity and now the children have no Truth to hold onto. The rats have come home to demolish all that we hold dear. 

When will we stand up and "just say no!" 

But then, maybe this is your belief system. 


By the way, have you looked at the "media center" for Dothan Preparatory? Are you willing to support your decision to make these books available to sixth graders? Or any age child? God will indeed hold you accountable. You are supposed to know what is going on!

Sharman Burson Ramsey

A note: I did originally misspell alignment. And I added an "l" in Klu Klux Klan (should be Ku Klux Klan). I corrected that for this post. Fast fingers make for misspelled words. How embarrassing it is to send such errors to the Board of Education--or post on an education website! So when they point these two errors out to discredit the information within, you are forewarned. 

Also, if any of you reading this wonder about what really works in teaching reading order Dr. Patrick Groff's book, Preventing Reading Failure: An Examination of the Myths of Reading Instruction. If you are interested in what works with Math instruction visit 
Math Wars: Once Again into the Fray. Join the 35, 539 others who have visited there. 


There is a story behind the writing of this letter, the research on Windswept House and the Saul Alinsky, Barach Obama, Cardinal Bernardin connection.  I was writing about Malachi Martin's book Windswept House but had not read it in a long time. I have many bookshelves filled with double layers of books. I knew I had not seen it downstairs where I have moved books and bookshelves several times and figured it was upstairs where I had not been in awhile. I looked and looked. And was about to give up when I saw Dr. Groff's book, one that I had not been able to find the last time I looked for it, lying in plain sight at eye level. I picked it up and immediately looked to the left and there was Windswept House also at eye level. Those of you who are believers will recognize a "God Thing." If I ever thought twice about writing as I do about these things, that kind of "God Thing" will definitely encourage the discouraged. There are angels on assignment about us. God does not want even one of His children to be lost. 


Our school board recognizes that public support and open lines of communication are vital to a successful educational environment for students and employees. Citizens are encouraged to stay informed on the decisions which affect students and teachers, to let board members know opinions on important issues, and to attend board meetings whenever possible.
Dothan City Schools is guided by a seven-member Board elected to four-year terms by the district’s citizens. 
The Board holds two meetings monthly, one work session (as needed) and one regular board meeting, at the Dothan City Board of Education Office, 1665 Honeysuckle Road. There are some exceptions to the schedule. Board Work Sessions are tentatively scheduled usually on the second Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m. and Regular Business Meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
To speak during the Board's Regular Business Meetings, please see the "Public Comment" tab.


Simbli by eBoard Solutions is a Board of Education management system. Dothan City Schools will be placing Board Agendas, Information, and Minutes in this program. To view this information, please visit the links below:

Board of Education Information on eBoard

Board of Education Meetings and Agendas on eBoard 



  • Individuals who have followed the attached protocol and are interested in speaking before the Dothan City Board of Education are asked to do one of the following to be placed on the Agenda:
      • Comments of this nature are limited to five (5) minutes maximum.  Submit a request in writing two (2) weeks prior to the Board of Education meeting through a letter addressed to the Superintendent, 1665 Honeysuckle Road, Suite 1, Dothan, Alabama 36305, or emailed to  Please make sure the letter/email contains your name, contact information, and a brief statement of the topic.  You may also go to the Dothan City Schools website - or use the link provided below and complete the form.   Your request will be placed on the Agenda; or
      • Comments of this nature are limited to three (3) minutes maximum.  Sign up with the Board Clerk the night of the Board of Education meeting prior to the start of the meeting.  The Chairman will recognize Delegations under Public Comments in the order they are received.  No one will be allowed to sign up once the meeting begins.

    Discussion will not be held.  Specific names cannot be mentioned.


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